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FINDINGS OF FACT FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT <br />The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council made these Findings of Fact <br />in support of the recommendation and approval of this Conditional Use Permit: <br />1) The current use of the property is industrial, but the City's vision is for Main Street <br />retail uses in the B-2 district. <br />2) The City, through its conditional use process, can place reasonable conditions on <br />use of property. <br />3) The proposed building supply use with a retail showroom and outside storage <br />under a 13-1 rezoning will be an improvement over the existing state of the property <br />and a significant investment, but not all the way to the Main Street retail vision the <br />City has. <br />4) The City has standards in its zoning code for site plan review, including screening <br />of storage areas from rights -of -way and adjacent properties, and for landscaping, <br />lighting, building materials, and other issues which promote high quality, attractive <br />development in the City's commercial areas. <br />5) The project as proposed meets the criteria for granting a Conditional Use Permit in <br />Section 156.320 of the Zoning Code. <br />6) These findings, and issuance of this Permit, are specific to the purchase of the <br />Subject Property by the Landowner. <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CONDITIONS <br />The City of Centerville hereby grants the Subject Property and Landowner a <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT to develop, construct, maintain, and operate a building supply <br />sales establishment, subject to the following conditions: <br />1) Complete a site plan review process for outside storage. <br />2) The Subject Property, including the building, storage, and staging area, and <br />loading and circulation area shall only be used for building supply sales as <br />described in the application and depicted on the submitted plans, including the <br />Site Plan approved March 9, 2022, and covered by this conditional use permit. <br />3) All goods, materials, and supplies must be stored within the building or within the <br />screened storage and staging areas identified on the Site Plan and Outdoor <br />Storage Plan dated February 22, 2022, approved on March 9, 2022. <br />4) The storage area must be completely screened from the adjoining Main Street <br />(CSAH 14) properties and rights -of -way as viewed from the existing trail on the <br />2 <br />Centerville Conditional Use Permit <br />Version 3/ 10/2022-2 <br />