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Res. #22-002 - Approving Participation in Opioid Litigation Settlements
City Council
Res. #22-002 - Approving Participation in Opioid Litigation Settlements
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�... PART TWO: PREVENTION <br />F. PREVENT OVER -PRESCRIBING AND ENSURE APPROPRIATE <br />PRESCRIBING AND DISPENSING OF OPIOIDS <br />Support efforts to prevent over -prescribing and ensure appropriate prescribing and <br />dispensing of opioids through evidence -based or evidence -informed programs or <br />strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following: <br />Funding medical provider education and outreach regarding best prescribing <br />practices for opioids consistent with the Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids for <br />Chronic Pain from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including <br />providers at hospitals (academic detailing). <br />2. Training for health care providers regarding safe and responsible opioid <br />prescribing, dosing, and tapering patients off opioids. <br />3. Continuing Medical Education (CME) on appropriate prescribing of opioids. <br />4. Providing Support for non-opioid pain treatment alternatives, including training <br />providers to offer or refer to multi -modal, evidence -informed treatment of pain. <br />Supporting enhancements or improvements to Prescription Drug Monitoring <br />Programs ("PDMPs"), including, but not limited to, improvements that: <br />1. Increase the number of prescribers using PDMPs; <br />2. Improve point -of -care decision -making by increasing the quantity, quality, <br />or format of data available to prescribers using PDMPs, by improving the <br />interface that prescribers use to access PDMP data, or both; or <br />Enable states to use PDMP data in support of surveillance or intervention <br />strategies, including MOUD referrals and follow-up for individuals <br />identified within PDMP data as likely to experience OUD in a manner that <br />complies with all relevant privacy and security laws and rules. <br />6. Ensuring PDMPs incorporate available overdose/naloxone deployment data, <br />including the United States Department of Transportation's Emergency Medical <br />Technician overdose database in a manner that complies with all relevant privacy <br />and security laws and rules. <br />7. Increasing electronic prescribing to prevent diversion or forgery. <br />8. Educating dispensers on appropriate opioid dispensing. <br />
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