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Res. #22-002 - Approving Participation in Opioid Litigation Settlements
City Council
Res. #22-002 - Approving Participation in Opioid Litigation Settlements
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workers or other school staff, to address mental health needs in young people that <br />(when not properly addressed) increase the risk of opioid or another drug misuse. <br />Support efforts to prevent or reduce overdose deaths or other opioid-related harms <br />through evidence -based or evidence -informed programs or strategies that may include, <br />but are not limited to, the following: <br />Increased availability and distribution of naloxone and other drugs that treat <br />overdoses for first responders, overdose patients, individuals with OUD and their <br />friends and family members, schools, community navigators and outreach <br />workers, persons being released from jail or prison, or other members of the <br />general public. <br />2. Public health entities providing free naloxone to anyone in the community. <br />Training and education regarding naloxone and other drugs that treat overdoses <br />for first responders, overdose patients, patients taking opioids, families, schools, <br />community support groups, and other members of the general public. <br />4. Enabling school nurses and other school staff to respond to opioid overdoses, and <br />provide them with naloxone, training, and support. <br />Expanding, improving, or developing data tracking software and applications for <br />overdoses/naloxone revivals. <br />6. Public education relating to emergency responses to overdoses. <br />7. Public education relating to immunity and Good Samaritan laws. <br />Educating first responders regarding the existence and operation of immunity and <br />Good Samaritan laws. <br />9. Syringe service programs and other evidence -informed programs to reduce harms <br />associated with intravenous drug use, including supplies, staffing, space, peer <br />support services, referrals to treatment, fentanyl checking, connections to care, <br />and the full range of harm reduction. and treatment services provided by these <br />programs. <br />10. Expanding access to testing and. treatment for infectious diseases such as HIV and <br />Hepatitis C resulting from intravenous opioid use. <br />11. Supporting mobile units that offer or provide referrals to harm reduction services, <br />treatment, recovery supports, health care, or other appropriate services to persons <br />that use opioids or persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. <br />10 <br />
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