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Res. #22-002 - Approving Participation in Opioid Litigation Settlements
City Council
Res. #22-002 - Approving Participation in Opioid Litigation Settlements
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I <br />4. Provide resources to staff government oversight and management of opioid <br />abatement programs. <br />Support multidisciplinary collaborative approaches consisting of, but not limited. <br />to, public health, public safety, behavioral health, harm reduction, and others at <br />the state, regional, local, nonprofit, and community level to maximize collective <br />impact. <br />In addition to the training referred to throughout this document, support training to abate <br />the opioid epidemic through activities, programs, or strategies that may include, but are <br />not limited to, those that: <br />Provide funding for staff training or networking programs and services to improve <br />the capability of government, community, and not -for -profit entities to abate the <br />opioid crisis. <br />2. Support infrastructure and staffing for collaborative cross -system coordination to <br />prevent opioid misuse, prevent overdoses, and treat those with OUD and any co- <br />occurring SUD/MId conditions, or implement other strategies to abate the opioid <br />epidemic described in this opioid abatement strategy list (e.g., health care, <br />primary care, pharmacies, PDMPs, etc.). <br />Support opioid abatement research that may include, but is not limited to, the following: <br />Monitoring, surveillance, data collection and evaluation of programs and <br />strategies described in this opioid abatement strategy list. <br />2. Research non-opioid treatment of chronic pain. <br />3. Research on improved service delivery for modalities such as SBIRT that <br />demonstrate promising but mixed results in populations vulnerable to <br />opioid use disorders. <br />4. Research on novel harm reduction and prevention efforts such as the <br />provision of fentanyl test strips. <br />5. Research on innovative supply-side enforcement efforts such as improved <br />detection of mail -based delivery of synthetic opioids. <br />6. Expanded research on swift/certain/fair models to reduce and deter opioid <br />misuse within criminal justice populations that build upon promising <br />approaches used to address other substances (e.g., Hawaii HOPE and. <br />Dakota 24/7). <br />12 <br />
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