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Res. #22-002 - Approving Participation in Opioid Litigation Settlements
City Council
Res. #22-002 - Approving Participation in Opioid Litigation Settlements
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B. SUPPORT PEOPLE IN TREATMENT AND RECOVERY <br />Support people in recovery from OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions <br />through evidence -based or evidence -informed programs or strategies that may include, <br />but are not limited to, the programs or strategies that: <br />I Provide comprehensive wrap -around services to individuals with OUD and any <br />co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including housing, transportation, education, <br />job placement, job training, or childcare. <br />2. Provide the full continuum of care of treatment and recovery services for OUD <br />and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including supportive housing, peer <br />support services and counseling, community navigators, case management, and <br />connections to community -based services. <br />3. Provide counseling, peer -support, recovery case management and residential <br />treatment with access to medications for those who need it to persons with OUD <br />and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. <br />4. Provide access to housing for people with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH <br />conditions, including supportive housing, recovery housing, housing assistance <br />programs, training for housing providers, or recovery housing programs that allow <br />or integrate FDA -approved medication with other support services. <br />5. Provide community support services, including social and legal services, to assist <br />in deinstitutionalizing persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH <br />conditions. <br />6. Support or expand peer -recovery centers, which may include support groups, <br />social events, computer access, or other services for persons with OUD and any <br />co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. <br />7. Provide or support transportation to treatment or recovery programs or services <br />for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. <br />8. Provide employment training or educational services for persons in treatment for <br />or recovery from OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. <br />9. Identify successful recovery programs such as physician, pilot, and college <br />recovery programs, and provide support and technical assistance to increase the <br />number and capacity of high -quality programs to help those in recovery. <br />10. Engage non -profits, faith -based communities, and. community coalitions to <br />support people in treatment and recovery and to support family members in their <br />efforts to support the person with OUD in the family. <br />
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