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Res. #22-002 - Approving Participation in Opioid Litigation Settlements
City Council
Res. #22-002 - Approving Participation in Opioid Litigation Settlements
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1/26/2022 7:30:20 AM
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1/21/2022 10:16:34 AM
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8. Support crisis stabilization centers that serve as an alternative to hospital <br />emergency departments for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH <br />conditions or persons that have experienced an opioid overdose. <br />Support the work of Emergency Medical Systems, including peer support <br />specialists, to connect individuals to treatment or other appropriate services <br />following an opioid overdose or other opioid-related adverse event. <br />10. Provide funding for peer support specialists or recovery coaches in emergency <br />departments, detox facilities, recovery centers, recovery housing, or similar <br />settings; offer services, supports, or connections to care to persons with OUD and <br />any co-occurring SUD/MU. conditions or to persons who have experienced an <br />opioid overdose. <br />11. Expand warm hand-off services to transition to recovery services. <br />12. Create or support school -based contacts that parents can engage with to seek <br />immediate treatment services for their child; and support prevention, intervention, <br />treatment, and recovery programs focused on young people. <br />13. Develop and support best practices on addressing OUD in the workplace. <br />14. Support assistance programs for health care providers with OUD. <br />15. Engage non -profits and the faith community as a system to support outreach for <br />treatment. <br />16. Support centralized call centers that provide information and connections to <br />appropriate services and supports for persons with OUD and any co-occurring <br />SUD/MH conditions. <br />D. ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE -INVOLVED PERSONS <br />Address the needs of persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions who <br />are involved in, are at risk of becoming involved in, or are transitioning out of the <br />criminal justice system through evidence -based or evidence -informed programs or <br />strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that: <br />Support pre -arrest or pre -arraignment diversion and deflection strategies for <br />persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including <br />established strategies such as: <br />Self -referral strategies such as the Angel Programs or the Police Assisted <br />Addiction Recovery Initiative ("PAARI" ); <br />2. Active outreach strategies such as the Drug Abuse Response Team <br />("DART') model; <br />
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