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City of Centerville <br />Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission <br />February 1, 2022 <br /> <br />Commissioner Kuiper stated he appreciates the applicantÓs interest in Centerville and he <br />looks forward to seeing some of the updated plans. <br /> <br />Commissioner Olson stated he thinks it is a nice option for people to store their larger items <br />off their property. He noted his only concern is making sure there is enough screening in the <br />landscaping to hide the doors from the road. <br /> <br />Commissioner Krueger stated he thinks it is a good place to have in the City and is interested <br />to see the plans they have for lighting and fencing once they are ready for review. <br /> <br />Administrator Statz stated they will work with the consultants to review the landscape plan <br />with Mr. CarlsonÓs proposed items in mind. <br /> <br />City Planner Carlson stated according to the code a yard is in the setback and it states if the <br />loading dock is adjacent to the street it must be screened so those are things they will take <br />into account when reviewing the plans. <br /> <br />Commissioner Kubat stated it seems well suited for the space. He stated he is only concerned <br />about the use itself. He asked how the applicants feel about the proposed idea to turn the <br />building and what they would plan for screening in that case and noted he is concerned about <br />trash pickup if everyone is individually responsible for their own. <br /> <br />City Planner Carlson stated to maintain the drive aisle needed, they would have to slim down <br />2 or 3 spaces to accommodate it. He noted the CityÓs interest is in public safety and they <br />would want to make sure the parking does not overflow to public streets or cause excessive <br />traffic and congestion. He stated he does not think traffic at this site will be an issue or <br />problem. <br /> <br />Commissioner Nelson stated the parking is the only thing he was questions about and looks <br />forward to seeing what they come up with for their customers. <br /> <br />Chairperson Broussard-Vickers stated she is concerned about the application stating maxi- <br />storage and the ordinance states mini-storage; she just wants to make sure that is corrected <br />if it needs to be to avoid any issues or confusion down the line. She noted they should keep <br />the landscaping requirements similar across these types of businesses. <br /> <br />Administrator Statz stated the storage facility across the street from this proposed site is <br />zoned differently so there is some flexibility in the landscaping and screening requirements <br />for the Mini-Storage facility. <br /> <br />City Planner Carlson stated that signage is not included in the CUP. He stated that is applied <br />for later on for approval through the City. <br /> <br />City Planner Carlson asked Mr. Anderson and Mr. Ly how much they have invested in this <br />site. <br /> <br />Mr. Ly stated the budget is about $1.3M for phase 1, which is the first building and after the <br />second phase/second building the total investment is about $2M. <br />Page 3 of 5 <br /> <br />