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Project BanjoTraffic Study ‘ Regional Analysis AddendumApril 22, 2022 <br />Page 11 <br />Trip Distribution <br />Trips generated were distributed throughout the study area based on the directional distribution <br />shown inFigure 5, which was developed based on existing travel patterns, service area data provided <br />the project team,and engineering judgement. The trip distribution also shows the site generated trips <br />at each of the driveways serving the siteduring typical weekday conditions. <br />The resulting year2025 and year 2040 no build and build condition traffic volumes, including the peak <br />season,are shown inFigure 6throughFigure 11. Note that the no build conditions include trips <br />generated from the assumed adjacent developments, as well as the background growth rate applied <br />to existing traffic volumes routed for the future transportation connections noted. The build conditions <br />represent the no build conditions, with the proposed development traffic added. <br />FUTURE INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS <br />To understand how intersection capacity is expected to change as the area develops,including the <br />proposed development, a detailed intersection capacity analysis was conducted for each of the traffic <br />forecasts scenarios. This analysis again leveraged Synchro/SimTrafficSoftware (version 11). Results <br />of the future intersection capacity analysis are summarized in Table 6by time period and scenario. <br />Detailed informationshowing the average delays and queue length for each scenario are available <br />upon request. <br />The capacity analysisindicated that the study intersections can support the assumed adjacentand <br />proposed developments under both year 2025 and 2040 conditions, including the peak season. With <br />optimized signal timing(i.e., cycle lengths, phasing, and splits), all study intersections and movements <br />are expected to operate at LOS D or better during the a.m., midday, and p.m. peak hours. However, <br />st <br />the primary area of concern is the Main Street and 21 <br />Avenue intersection, where the following <br />queuing issues were identified: <br />st <br />Northbound queuesalong 21Avenue from Main Streetareexpected to regularly extend <br />beyond the north Gas Station drivewaylocatedabout 90 feet from Main Streetunder year <br />2025 build conditions; these queues lengthen under each successive traffic forecast scenario <br />st <br />Southbound left-turn queuesalong 21Avenue from Main Street are expected to extend <br />between300 and 335feet starting under year 2040no build p.m. peak hour conditions; these <br />queues extend beyond the Bank access approximately 250 feet to the north <br />st <br />A detailed summary of the Main Street and 21 <br />Avenue intersection capacity analysis and pertinent <br />queues by scenario is provided in Table 7. Detailed analysis resultsfor each scenario are available <br />upon request. <br />Potential infrastructure considerations to address theintersection capacity/queuingissues noted, as <br />well as other long-term considerations are noted in the following section. It is important to note that <br />the I-35E / Main Streetinterchange reconstruction completed in 2011, and subsequent Main Street / <br />st <br />21Avenue intersection projects in 2013and 2014 added significant capacity within the area in <br />anticipation of future development within the area. <br /> <br />