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Project BanjoTraffic Study ‘ Regional Analysis AddendumApril 22, 2022 <br />Page 21 <br />POTENTIALINFRASTRUCTURE CONSIDERATIONS <br />Based on the future intersection capacity analysis and corresponding queues, as well as good <br />transportation planning practices, the following potential considerationswere identified. These items <br />are not needed from a capacity perspective, but could help improve safety, reduce conflicts/queues, <br />and/or overall site efficiency. This information was shared during a coordination meeting with project <br />th <br />representatives (i.e., Lino Lakes, Centerville, Anoka County, and MnDOT) on April 7. <br />1)Near Term: Signal Timing Optimization ‘ the project team and agencies should coordinate with <br />Anoka County and MnDOT to review the analysis and study findings anddevelop optimized signal <br />timing plans for future conditions; includes modifications to cyclelengths, phasing, and splits. <br />2)Near Term: Site Plan Improvements ‘ A preliminary review of the proposed site plan does not <br />indicate any major issues. However, the following items should be considered: <br />a.Locate signage and landscaping to avoid creating any sight distance issues. <br />st <br />b.Convert the South Access along 21Avenue to exit onlyto help reduce potential internal van <br />st <br />conflicts, while also reducing potential conflicts along 21Avenue with the adjacent <br />Distribution Alternative, Inc. driveway. <br />c.Coordinate with City staff to identify any multimodal (i.e., sidewalk or trail) improvements along <br />st <br />Fairview Street or 21 <br />Avenue adjacent to the site. <br />st <br />3)Potential: Main Street/ 21Avenue (South Approach) ‘ with the projected increase in traffic along <br />stst <br />21Avenue, the addition of a median along 21Avenue from Main Street to about150 feet to the <br />south should be considered. This would restrict the Mobil Gas Station and ADL Auto Repair & <br />Service driveways to right-in/right-out, but also help reduce potential conflicts and queues from <br />impacting Main Street and would generally improve traffic flowin this area.Other potential design <br />features, such as an extended right-turnturn lane and additional southbound width to <br />accommodate future lanes could also be considered (example configuration shown in Figure 12). <br />st <br />4)Potential: On-Street Parking ‘ no on-street parking is expected to be needed along 21Avenue or <br />Fairview Street, although corresponding Žno-parking signage could be added for reinforcement. <br />In addition to the near-term considerationsassociated withthe proposed development, long-term <br />regional planning infrastructure needswerealsoidentified to support future assumed development <br />within the study. The following improvements areoffered for considerationand planning purposes. <br />st <br />5)Long-Term: Main Street / 21 <br />Avenue (North Approach) ‘ continue to monitor operations and <br />queuingas additional development occurs; potential improvements to minimize southbound left- <br />turn queuing impacts that would require additional analysis beyond the scope of this study include: <br />a.Signal timing ad <br />justments <br />b.Convert the thru lane to a left-turn lane (to provide dual lefts) and convert the right-turn lane to <br />a shared right/thru lane or add a dedicated right-turn lane <br />c.Convert the thru lane to a shared left/thrulane and implement split signal timing <br />st <br />6)Long-Term: 21Avenue (Main Street to Commerce Drive) ‘ this segment is currently a 2-lane <br />undivided roadway, while the segment south of Commerce Drive is a 3-lane facility.The segment <br />between Main Street and Commerce Drive could be upgraded to a 3-lane facility to provide <br />continuityand additional capacity to support remaining development opportunities in the area. <br />Access management strategies could be included as opportunities arise as illustrated in Figure 12. <br /> <br />