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Project BanjoTraffic Study ‘ Regional Analysis AddendumApril 22, 2022 <br />Page 25 <br />st <br />Convert the South Access along 21Avenue to exit onlyto help reduce potential internal <br />st <br />van conflicts, while also reducing potential conflicts along 21Avenue with the adjacent <br />Distribution Alternative, Inc. driveway. <br />Coordinate with City staff to identify any multimodal (i.e., sidewalk or trail) improvements <br />st <br />along Fairview Street or 21Avenue adjacent to the site. <br />stst <br />c.Potential: Main Street / 21Avenue (South Approach) ‘ add a median along 21Avenue from <br />Main Street to about 150 feet to the southto restrict the Mobil Gas Station and ADL Auto <br />Repair & Service driveways to right-in/right-outand help reduce conflicts and queues; other <br />potential accommodations, such as an extended right-turn turn lane and additional southbound <br />width to accommodate future lanes could also be considered. <br />st <br />d.Potential: On-Street Parking ‘ add Žno-parking signage on21Avenue and Fairview Street. <br />st <br />e.Long-Term: Main Street / 21Avenue (North Approach) ‘ continue to monitor operations and <br />queuing as additional development occurs; consider future potential improvements to minimize <br />southbound left-turn queuing impacts such as: <br />Signal timing adjustments <br />Convert the thru lane to a left-turn lane (to provide dual lefts) and convert the right-turn <br />lane to a shared right/thru lane or add a dedicated right-turn lane <br />Convert the thru lane to a shared left/thru lane and implement split signal timing <br />st <br />f.Long-Term: 21Avenue (Main Street to Commerce Drive) ‘ upgradethis segmentto a 3-lane <br />facility to provide continuity and additional capacity to support remaining development. <br />th <br />g.Long-Term: Southbound Left-Turn Lanes along 20Avenue ‘ coordinate with Anoka County to <br />determine if these turn lanes should be incorporated from a safety perspective. <br />Under a geo-coded/routing condition, where proposed development traffic is routed via <br />thst <br />20Avenue (as opposed to 21Avenue), constructing southbound left-turn lanes along <br />th <br />20 <br />Avenue at Commerce Drive and/orFairview Streetshould be considered, depending <br />on the specific routing desired for the development. <br />st <br />5)The queueing issues at the 21Avenue / Main Street intersection are expected to continue, <br />regardless of the proposed development traffic rerouting; therefore, the geo-controlling of <br />employees and/or vans of the proposed development is a tool that could be leveraged to help <br />mitigate issues butis not considered a requirement to ensure safe and efficient transportation <br />conditions in the area. <br /> <br />