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May 25, 2022 <br />Centerville City Council <br />Page 4 of 18 <br />RE: Banjo Distribution Center, PUD, Preliminary & Final Plat <br />Outside Storage <br />Since the above truck terminal use is by CUP, parking of trucks and trailers also becomes an issue <br />as “outside storage”. In 156.040(M), storage is regulated in the I-1 district (underline added): <br />(M) Storage. For the purpose of this zoning district, car, vans and pickup trucks parked <br />outside and used by employees and/or visitors in the normal course of the business <br />operation will not be construed to be outdoor storage. Further, outside parked trucks and <br />semi-trailers used in the normal business commerce will not be construed to be outdoor <br />storage: <br />(1) Provided that the total number of trucks and semi-trailers does not exceed the <br />number of docks and/or bay doors; and <br />(2) This use is not construed as an operation listed as a conditional use in any <br />industrial zone. <br />The proposed number of trailer parking spaces is less than the number of docks. Trucks and semi- <br />trailers are part of a conditional use and therefore count as outside storage. It is implied that this <br />outside storage of trucks and semi-trailers would be reviewed with a CUP. In Section 156.144 <br />(M)(2), outside storage is also addressed, noting that “equipment . . . necessary to an approved <br />business operation in a commercial or industrial district” is prohibited “except as specifically <br />provided for in this chapter.” This outside storage “must be completely screened from adjacent <br />properties and rights-of-way”. Together with the provisions in 156.040(M)(2), storing trucks and <br />semi-trailers for the truck terminal use must be completely screened and reviewed as a CUP. <br />Height <br />Structures over 35 feet in height are only allowed by CUP, per Section 156.121(A). The proposed <br />building would be 44 feet in height, so a CUP for that feature is needed as well. <br />PROCESS <br />The applicants originally applied only for a conditional use permit, site plan review, and <br />preliminary and final plat. The truck terminal, outside storage and building height all need CUPs. <br />The Planning & Zoning Commission chose the option of requiring a planned unit development <br />(PUD) for the project as well, under Section 156.222: <br />The Planning & Zoning Commission may require that any development be submitted as a <br />PUD when in their opinion the proposed development could be best handled as a PUD. <br />The key difference is that a CUP follows specific procedures and criteria outlined in the code and <br />the project must still meet other standards, such as setbacks. A PUD may take into account other <br />factors on and off the site and can vary from the strict standards in the code (without a formal <br />variance) if there are benefits to the City or future users of the site. The Commission believed, and <br />staff agrees, that the issues associated with this use and this site are best addressed with a PUD. <br /> <br />