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May 25, 2022 <br />Centerville City Council <br />Page 6 of 18 <br />RE: Banjo Distribution Center, PUD, Preliminary & Final Plat <br />The study analyzed 7 different scenarios, including combinations of current traffic, 2025 and 2040 <br />traffic, combined with or without the facilities traffic in both normal and peak seasons. A total of <br />10 intersections around the area were looked at, under each of the 7 scenarios. The major <br />conclusions of the traffic study are: <br />All intersections, during all scenarios continue to function at acceptable levels. <br />The stacking capacity of turn lanes on 21st Avenue (north and south legs), will be <br />st <br />, in some of the future scenarios. These <br />inadequate, blocking the closest driveways on 21 <br />st <br /> Avenue. These inadequacies exist <br />issues can be mitigated by constructing medians on 21 <br />with or without project Banjo. <br />Parks and Trails <br />The project will include park dedication per the <br />City’s ordinance. The City is not requesting land <br />to be dedicated, but we recommend a future <br />trail be included with the project on Fairview <br />Street. The anticipated cost of the trail would be <br />part of the park dedication for the project. This <br />needs to be carefully considered, given roads <br />and truck traffic in the area. <br />There are trails in the western part of Centerville, <br />th <br />including one coming from the west to 20 <br />Avenue south of Center Street, then extending <br />th <br />north on the west side of 20 Avenue. There are <br />th <br />no trails in this area east of 20 Avenue. <br />thst <br />Providing such a trail to connect 20 and 21 <br />Avenues is a worthy goal, but only if there is a <br />th <br />safe crossing of 20 Avenue, which is a busy <br />county road. This might best be accomplished <br />with a crossing at a controlled intersection. That <br />controlled intersection may take the form of a <br />signal or roundabout at a realigned intersection <br />th <br />of Center Street and Fairview Street at 20 Avenue. <br />The existing trails and possible future connection is illustrated above. The dark green trail would be <br />st <br />required as part of the Banjo PUD, to be built at a later date. The light green trail along 21 Avenue <br />is a possible link at some point, shown on the Lino Lakes comprehensive plan. Together, these trail <br />links would connect the rest of Centerville to destinations east, south and north. <br /> <br />