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City of Centerville <br />Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes <br />April 6, 2022 <br />VII. APPROVAL OF MARCH 2, 2022 P & R MEETING MINUTES <br /> <br />Motion made by Committee Member Kubat, seconded by Committee Member Freiermuth to <br />approve the minutes of the March 2, 2021 meeting with the following corrections: V. Unfinished <br />Business, 2. Music in the Park add ÐstatedÑ between Peterson and that; add Ðand Teresa Bender, <br />City Clerk after adjournmentÑ. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />VIII. UPDATES/ANNOUNCEMENTS <br />1. Staff Updates <br /> a. 21-007: Eagle Park Tree Removal <br />Staff reported LangerÓs Tree Services will be returning following the melting of snow to cut the stumps <br />to ground level. <br /> b. 19-022: ADA Equipment <br />Committee Member Freiermuth reported that she briefly researched ADA parks in Minneapolis. She did <br />not find many that were what Centerville is looking to install to enhance the existing parks. Possibly <br />consider a ÐdestinationÑ playground. She will continue to explore options. <br /> c. 16-016: Website Status <br />The City Council approved a contract with CivicPlus, at their March 9, 2022 meeting; however, upon <br />review by Legal Counsel, it was determined that additional review and language adjustment(s) needed <br />to be made. The item will appear on CouncilÓs agenda in the near future. <br /> <br />2. Council Liaison Update <br /> a. City Council Strategic Plan Î Draft <br />City Council Member Steve King appeared to encourage all committee members to read this document, <br />briefly reviewed the Plan and focused in on rebranding, City website re-design and population 5,000. <br /> <br />IX. ACTION ITEMS UPDATES Î as of 4-6-22 <br />a. Storage of P & R Equipment Î shelving has been installed in the LaMotte Storage Garage. <br /> <br />Items to be closed/deleted: 21-011 <br /> <br />Items to have Assigned Person, Date, Status and/or Action changed: <br />16-026 P & R Web Site add to May agenda Î Unfinished Business <br />19-013 Master P & R Trail Plan & CIP add to May agenda Î Unfinished Business <br />19-022 ADA Playground Equipment add to May agenda Î Unfinished Business <br />21-008 Skate Park On-Going Î Unfinished Business <br />22-001a Music in the Park Î Musicians add to May agenda Î Unfinished Business <br />22-001b Music in the Park Î Food Truck(2) add to May-July agenda Î Updates <br />22-002 Fete des Lacs (sub-committee) add to May-July agenda Î Updates <br />22-003 Centennial C.E. Collab. (sub-committee) add to May agenda Î Updates <br />22-004 Purchase Audio Mixer Board add to May agenda Î Unfinished Business <br />22-005 Main Street Market On-Going Î Unfinished Business <br />22-006 Pleasure Rink add to Sept. agenda Î Unfinished Business <br />22-007 Comprehensive Tree Plan ea. Park add to June agenda Î Unfinished Business <br /> Status of Eagle Park Tree Trimming add to May agenda Î Updates <br />22-008 2020/21/22 Revenue Budgets add to Workshop agenda Î Unfinished Bus. <br />22-009 Comprehensive Plan Î P & R add to Workshop agenda Î Unfinished Bus. <br />22-010 Draft Monument/Donation Policy add to Workshop agenda Î Unfinished Bus. <br />Page 5 of 6 <br /> <br />