unexpected problems with an aging building. Building maintenance includes the
<br />furnace/AC maintenance contract, lawn care, snow removal, carpet and window
<br />cleaning, fire inspection, and landscaping and building mechanical services.
<br /> The building utilities line item was increased by $2,000, to cover probable higher
<br />fuel/energy costs. Building utilities include sewer, water, gas, and electric.
<br /> Insurance includes all property, liability, crime, volunteer, vehicle, drone, and
<br />monument sign coverage. This amount was increased by $4,000. The Commission
<br />policy cost was increased fairly significantly in 2022, due to insurance costs in
<br />general.
<br /> Office supply line-item includes all office supplies, and maintenance contracts on
<br />printers and copiers.
<br /> The Telephone/Internet/Web Hosting line-item was increased by $4,000 over the
<br />2022 budget. The increase will cover probable cost increases for bandwidth.
<br />Bandwidth is required to transport signals from city hall. NMTV continues to pay a
<br />fee to house video-on-demand and streaming content on a remote server. This
<br />allows for unlimited simultaneous viewing, without a reduction in speed, or an
<br />inordinate amount of bandwidth for that purpose. The line-item also covers the
<br />wireless live transmission of sporting events and other field productions. The website
<br />maintenance contract, web hosting, telephone costs, license fees for our Roku and
<br />AppleTV apps, and the annual phone software upgrade are also included.
<br /> Postage covers the cost of mailing dubs and equipment for contract maintenance,
<br />and other postage for the NMTC.
<br /> Property tax is for the recycling assessment.
<br /> Building cleaning, trash, recycling, and hazardous material disposal/recycling was
<br />increased $1,000 to better reflect recent actual costs.
<br />Capital Expenditures
<br /> The 2023 capital budget currently includes $142,910 for production equipment,
<br />$28,000 for office systems, $229,425 for the HD bond payment, and $200,000 for
<br />city capital expenses.
<br /> The production equipment budget includes annual system contracts, including closed
<br />captioning, a re-play system for the truck, tripods, cameras and miscellaneous items
<br />such as microphones.
<br /> Office equipment includes routine computer and software upgrades, and software
<br />licenses for office and editing computers.
<br /> Fees back to Cities are included as a capital cost. Once the franchise is renewed
<br />with Comcast, PEG fees could be restricted to capital costs. In such a case, any
<br />PEG fees used for operating costs would result in lower franchise fees. As such,
<br />PEG fees will be returned to cities for equipment upgrades and reserves.
<br />Summary
<br />The 2023 Operating budget is $59,589 higher than the 2022 budget. The increases
<br />are split between personnel/benefits ($30,252), administrative costs ($2,500) and
<br />office expenses ($26,000).
<br />Capital equipment expenditures are budgeted at $142,910, which is $43,106 lower
<br />than the 2022 budget.
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