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rL <br />May 25, 2022 <br />Centerville City Council <br />Wage 9 of 18 <br />RE: Banjo Distribution Center, PUD, Preliminary & Final Plat <br />PLANNING COMMISSION REQUESTS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION <br />Embedded within the recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission were a <br />number of issues on which they were requesting additional information or research be presented <br />to the City Council, prior to final approval. Below, is information on those issues, based on the <br />reports and figures provided by the applicant. <br />Noise <br />Concerns were raised at the Planning & Zoning Commission hearing about noise from the new <br />facility that might impact nearby residential areas, mainly from the trucks and vans and their <br />associated loading activities. The Commission recommended that a noise study be prepared by <br />the applicants and potential noise mitigation studied. Kimley Horn prepared a technical noise <br />memorandum for the applicant dated 5-17-22 which concluded that noise levels generated on <br />the project site would likely add very little perceived increase in noise to the neighborhood and <br />that mitigation (wall, fence, berm) would have very little effect and is not recommended. <br />Estimated noise contours in the area from the memo are on the next page. I spoke with the <br />memo's author, Tad Hardy of Kimley-Horn Charlotte NC office, who offered the following: <br />• The memo estimates existing ambient noise as 45-50 dB(A). This is an estimate based on <br />experience with similar suburban settings and did not involve actual measurements or <br />noise monitoring on site. This existing ambient noise will be measured as a condition of <br />approval to determine a baseline before construction begins. <br />• The memo estimates noise from the various sources at the Banjo project site as 44-48 dB(A). <br />• Not directly stated in the memo is the additive effect of the existing noise plus the project <br />noise. Mr. Hardy said that adding the existing 45-50 dB(A) to the new 44-48 dB(A) amounts <br />to an additional 1-3 clB(A) - the cumulative noise that would be experienced once the <br />project is operational would likely be 46-53 dB(A), still below the city and state noise <br />standards. <br />• Within the dB(A) noise measurement is the understanding that there will be occasional <br />louder noises for very short periods of time. <br />• Background neighborhood noise levels will likely increase over time regardless of <br />development on the Banjo site. <br />Taken together, we conclude the following on the noise issue: <br />1) Existing noise levels in the neighborhood are modest. <br />2) New noise from various sources on the Banjo site would also be modest. <br />3) The combination of existing and new noise levels would bean additional 1-3 dB(A), a small <br />increase. <br />Design with community in mind <br />