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at an interest rate as the City Council shall determine. Unless deferred payment is so authorized, all <br />connection charges shall be payable in full prior to the issuance of a building permit for new <br />construction on the lot or tract of land. <br /> <br />(C) No permit shall be issued for any connection, repair, enlargement or alteration to the sewer system until <br />a determination has been made by the city of the service availability charge (SAC), to be imposed by the <br />Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, and the applicant has paid to the city the full amount of any <br />service availability charge that may be applicable. <br /> <br />Ord. #30, adopted 05/11/1977 <br /> <br />§ 51.08 (DELETED Ord. 2d 91, as amended 09/26/2018.) <br />§ 51.09 RULES AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO WATER SERVICE. <br /> <br />(A) Deficiency of water and shutting off water. The city is not liable for any deficiency or failure in the <br />supply of water to customers whether occasioned by shutting the water off for the purpose of making <br />repairs or connections or by any other cause whatsoever. In case of fire, or alarm of fire, water may be <br />shut off to insure a supply for firefighting. In making repairs or construction of new works, water may <br />be shut off at any time and kept off so long as may be necessary. <br /> <br />(B) Repair of leaks. It is the responsibility of the consumer or owner to maintain the service pipe from and <br />including the curb shut-off into the house or other building. In case of failure upon the part of any <br />consumer or owner to repair any leak occurring in his or her service pipe within 24 hours after oral or <br />written notice has been given the owner or occupant of the premises, the water may be shut off and will <br />not be turned on until a reconnection charge has been paid and the water service has been repaired. <br />When the waste of water is great or when damage is likely to result from the leak, the water will be <br />turned off if the repair is not proceeded with immediately. <br /> <br />(1) The city shall be responsible to repair the curb shut-off where the service equals one-inch or less, <br />except where the curb shut-off is not located in the public right-of-way, or where damage to the <br />curb shut-off results from the direct action of the property owner or his agent. If the curb shut-off <br />is located in the driveway and it becomes necessary to excavate for repairs, the city shall repair <br />the portion of the driveway that is excavated. The city shall not be responsible for cosmetic <br />imperfections, scratches, or the failure of the patch to match surrounding pavements. Staff is <br />authorized to replace the damaged panel(s) to the nearest joint. <br /> <br />(2) Curb shut-off valves installed after September 1, 2011, shall not be located in a driveway except <br />where the property owner executes an agreement accepting responsibility for all the costs of <br />repair and replacement of the curb shut-off valve and all parts of the service line that are located <br />under the driveway. <br /> <br />(C) Abandoned services penalties. All service installations connected to the water system that have been <br />abandoned or, for any reason, have become useless for further service shall be disconnected at the main. <br />The owner of the premises, served by this service, shall pay the cost of the excavation. The city shall <br />perform the actual disconnection and all pipe and appurtenances removed from the street right-of-way <br />39 ΋tğŭĻ <br /> <br />