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(T) The depositing of garbage or refuse on a public right-of-way or on adjacent private property; <br />(U) All other conditions or things which are likely to cause injury to the person or property of anyone; <br />(V) Diseased or dangerous conditions of trees as follows: <br />(1) Any living or standing elm tree or part thereof infected to any degree with the Dutch Elm disease <br />fungus Ceratocystis Ulmi (Buisman) Moreau or which harbors any of the elm bark beetles <br />Scolytus Multistriatus (Eichh.) or Hylungopinus Rufipes (Marsh); <br /> <br />(2) Any dead elm tree or part thereof, including branches, stumps, firewood or other elm material <br />from which the bark has not been removed and burned or sprayed with an effective elm bark <br />beetle insecticide; <br /> <br />(3) Any living or standing oak tree or part thereof infected to any degree with the Oak Wilt fungus <br />Ceratocystis fagacearum; <br /> <br />(4) Any dead or dying tree or part thereof which in the opinion of the designated officer constitutes a <br />hazard, and including but not limited to logs, branches, stumps, roots or oak tree material which <br />has not been stripped of its bark and burned or sprayed with an effective fungicide; <br /> <br />(5) Any other shade tree with an epidemic disease; and <br /> <br />(6) It is unlawful to transport bark-bearing elm wood in or through the city without securing a permit <br />therefore from the City Administrator. <br /> <br />(W) Four or more code violations, fire calls or other nuisance complaints requiring enforcement <br />response within a 30-day period; and <br /> <br />(X) To park or store any unlicensed, unregistered or inoperable motor vehicle parts or components thereof, <br />on any property, public or private, unless housed within a lawfully erected building except in a <br />commercial zone where the use is specifically regulated by a conditional use permit. <br /> <br />(Y) Use of Undiluted Coal Tar Sealers Prohibited (This prohibition shall not affect the use of asphalt-based <br />sealer products within the City.) <br /> <br />(1) No person shall apply any undiluted coal tar-based sealer to any driveway, parking lot, or other <br />surface within the City of Centerville <br /> <br />(2) No person shall contract with any commercial sealer product applicator, residential or <br />commercial developer, or any other person for the application of any undiluted coal tar-based <br />sealer to any driveway, parking lot, or other surface within the City. <br /> <br />(3) No commercial sealer product applicator, residential or commercial developer, or other similar <br />individual or organization shall direct any employee, independent contractor, volunteer, or other <br />person to apply any undiluted coal tar-based sealer to any driveway, parking lot, or other surface <br />within the City. <br />90΋tğŭĻ <br /> <br />