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<br /> City of Centerville <br />Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes <br />June 1, 2022 <br />4. Anoka County Adopt A Highway Program <br /> <br />Information was contained in the packet about the program. It was stated that committee members <br />currently complete an annual cleanup along Main Street from Cornerstone Park, Trailside Park and the <br />fishing pier each April and they did not desire to be committed to completing the cleanup process twice <br />annually due to additional park activities. Consensus of the committee was not to participate in the <br />program at this time. <br /> <br />VI. NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />1. Possible 2022 Volunteer Appreciation Items & Possible Logo <br /> <br /> a. P & R Logo – the committee was provided with nine (9) samples. The committee took a poll <br />and briefly discussed the designs. It was stated that the logo would be utilized for specific items such as <br />Volunteer Appreciation Items, etc. <br /> <br />Motion made by Committee Member Seeley, seconded by Committee Member Peterson to approve <br />Option #9. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />b. Volunteer Appreciation Items – the committee members were presented with several options <br />(water bottles, hand sanitizer, lip balm and sunscreen) for items while being mindful of a $5 or less <br />amount per State Statute for Council, Committee/Commissioners. It was stated that the set-up fees or <br />shipping would not be part of the value of the item(s). It was also stated that the newly approved logo <br />would appear on the items. <br /> <br />Motion by Chairperson Errickson-Grahek, seconded by Committee Member Akpan to approve <br />the expenditure of up to $1,000 for the purchase 150 water bottle and 100 each of lip balm and 100 <br />each of sunscreen as presented. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Brief discussion ensued regarding ingredients, additional research would be completed and if a substitute <br />item could be found with different ingredients that would be chosen. Otherwise, an alternative item <br />fitting into the $1,000 budget in combination with the water bottle would be chosen. <br /> <br />2. 2023 Budget - Input <br /> <br />Staff stated that for ease, Committee and Program Expenses were combined. There was brief discussion <br />regarding committee member stipend amounts and several line items. <br /> <br />Motion by Committee Member Peterson, seconded by Committee Member Errickson-Grahek to <br />recommend to Council to approve an increase in the 2023 P & R Budget for Music in the Park, <br />from $3,500 to $4,000 and an increase in the Movie in the Park, from $500 to $750. All in favor. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />3. Use of Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park – Anoka County Radio Club <br /> <br />Motion by Committee Member Peterson, seconded by Chairperson Errickson-Grahek to <br />recommend to City Council to approve the Special Event Permit Application for the Anoka County <br />Radio Club on June 24 through 26, 2022 (Friday Evening to Sunday Afternoon for the <br /> 3 <br /> <br />