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SHIP Neighborhood Mini -Grant Application Instructions -2022 <br />Anoka County Public Health (Public Health) is pleased to offer an opportunity for neighborhoods and community <br />organizations to submit project proposals for Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) funding. Our goal is to <br />bring sustainable opportunities for social connectedness through healthy eating, physical activity, well-being, and <br />reducing commercial tobacco use directly to the communities where individuals who may not have access to these <br />opportunities are living. Anoka County SHIP staff are available to assist with all steps of the application process, so please <br />do not hesitate to reach out to with any questions or requests for support. Interpreters are also <br />available to help with completion, if needed. <br />Timeline: <br />• Applications accepted: January —February 2022 <br />• Application deadline: February 28th, 2022 <br />• Award notification: March 16th, 2022 <br />• Project Funding Period: April lst— October 311t,2022 <br />• Final Reporting and Evaluation: October —November 30th, 2022 <br />All project applications must include at least one policy, system or environmental change: <br />• Policy: the passing of policies, ordinances, or rules within an organization <br />Example: creating or updating current tobacco policy to include vaping <br />• Systems: changes to transform "the way things are typically done." <br />Examples: supporting the start-up of a Community SupportedAgriculture (CSA) drop -site or foodpantry/shelf or <br />implementing structured physical activity opportunities <br />Environmental: occurs within social, economic, or physical environments. <br />Examples: having a bike share available to the community or having a water bottle filler available to improve <br />water access <br />SHIP Funding Topic Areas <br />Project applications must focus on at least one of the following topic areas. <br />• Healthy eating activities aim to increase intake of fruits and vegetables and decrease intake of sodium, saturated <br />fat or added sugar in foods and beverages. Breastfeeding support activities that aim to reduce breastfeeding <br />barriers would be included under this topic area. <br />• Physical activity activities aim to increase access to facilities and opportunities for physical activity and active <br />transportation. <br />• Well-being activities aim to increase supports for positive mental health and promote resiliency for all residents. <br />• Tobacco -free living activities aim to reduce tobacco/vaping use and to promote cessation. <br />REQUIREMENTS <br />• Must be located in Anoka County, MN. <br />• Completed application must be submitted by February 281h, 2022. <br />• Priority will be given to projects supporting populations experiencing health inequities. This may include, but is not <br />limited to, racial/ethnic groups, refugees/immigrants, veterans, individuals with disabilities, people in poverty, and <br />seniors (aged 65+). <br />• Awarded prof ects must provide updates on project status, including (but not limited to) timelines, budget spent, and <br />activities, as requested within 5-10 business days. <br />• Conduct evaluation activities and provide any data that was collected. SHIP staff is available to assist with the <br />evaluation process including development and data collection. <br />• Submit success stories, which can include photos, quotes, video, etc. highlighting your project. <br />