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DocuSign Envelope ID: 656F3A3D-164D-46BE-AF4D-F6B87DF98D38 <br />GRAND TOTAL LABOR& STAFFING $ <br />11,668.60 <br />Supplemental Funding Request <br />Supplemental grant funding is currently avaitable to help support municipal waste abatement programs and/ornew program <br />development. Sup plementat funding, however, should not be depended on for long-term program sustain ability. Before <br />requesting sup plementaIaddition aIgrant program dollars, it iscriticaIthat your municipality iswiIli ngtosupport and sustain <br />theservices before implementation. <br />Please be aware that there is a limited amount of supplemental funding available for this section. If the <br />County receives more funding requests than funds, the funds may be reduced or denied for a <br />municipalities supplemental funding request. Grants will be evaluated based on which projects best help <br />the County meet the State mandated goal of 75% by 2030. <br />The maximum supplemental grant available may be up to $20,000.00 per municipality. <br />Do you need additional funds to grow existing waste abatement programs?* <br />Yes No <br />In the box below, please include the following information: <br />• Identify need for sup plementaIfunding; <br />• Describe project scope and design; <br />• Describe how the project may benefit multiple municipalities orthe Countyas a whole; <br />• Note key stakeholders participating in project activities, including project collaborators; <br />• Quantify and list expected outcomes, such as, new materials to be collected, projected amount to be collected, percentage <br />increase of currently collected materials if supplemental grant funding is a pp roved. <br />These containers are slowly replacing our outdated containers at all of our parks. We purchased 7through simitar funding. <br />More people will be inclined to use the new containers versus utilizing the garbage can with the educational information <br />clearly displayed. Each park would benefit along with the City's ton n age reporting. Recycling wi[[increase from the parks. <br />7Do <br />Supplemental Funding -Maximum Amount <br />Available <br />Project Budget <br />20,000.00 <br />List all project elements that require funding. Use the ADD button to add elements to the chart. <br />L_ PROJECT ELEMENT* EXPENSE* <br />Recycling Containers <br />7,500.00 <br />Off -Set of Mattress Collection on Own 5,000.00 <br />Total Supplemental Funding Requested $ 12,500.00 <br />11 of 13 <br />