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2023-03-14 P & Z Packet
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2023-03-14 P & Z Packet
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3/11/2023 7:44:40 AM
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3/11/2023 7:43:34 AM
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(1)Bear the likeness or contain cartoon-like characteristics of a real or fictional <br />person, animal, or fruit that appeals to children; <br />(2)Be modeled after a brand of products primarily consumed by or marketed <br />to children; <br />(3)Be made by applying an extracted or concentrated hemp-derived <br />cannabinoid to a commercially available candy or snack food item; <br />(4)Contain an ingredient, other than a hemp-derived cannabinoid, that is not <br />approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for use in food; <br />(5)Be packaged in a way that resembles the trademarked, characteristic, or <br />product-specialized packaging of any commercially available food product; <br />or <br />(6)Be packaged in a container that includes a statement, artwork, or design that <br />could reasonably mislead any person to believe that the package contains <br />anything other than an edible cannabinoid product. <br />(b)An edible cannabinoid product must be prepackaged in packaging or a container <br />that is child-resistant, tamper-evident, and opaque or placed in packaging or a <br />container that is child-resistant, tamper-evident, and opaque at the final point of sale <br />to a customer. The requirement that packaging be child-resistant does not apply to <br />an edible cannabinoid product that is intended to be consumed as a beverage and <br />which contains no more than a trace amount of any tetrahydrocannabinol. <br />(c) If an edible cannabinoid product is intended for more than a single use or contains <br />multiple servings, each serving must be indicated by scoring, wrapping, or other <br />indicators designating the individual serving size. <br />(d) A label containing at least the following information must be affixed to the <br />packaging or container of all edible cannabinoid products sold to consumers: <br />(1)The serving size; <br />(2)The cannabinoid profile per serving and in total; <br />(3)A list of ingredients, including identification of any major food allergens <br />declared by name; and <br />(4)The following statement: “Keep this product out of reach of children.” <br />(e) An edible cannabinoid product must not contain more than five milligrams of any <br />tetrahydrocannabinol in a single serving, or more than a total of 50 milligrams of <br />any tetrahydrocannabinol per package. <br />Subd. 10. - Prohibited Sales. <br />(a)Samples Prohibited. Sampling of cannabinoid products within any retail <br />establishment licensed under this ordinance is prohibited. No person shall distribute <br /> <br />
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