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March, 2023
City Council
March, 2023
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5/12/2023 12:10:27 PM
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5/12/2023 12:01:51 PM
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Page 2 ding.s Shred-’Vendors on hand will be: Republic Services, Evergreen Recycling, East Side Oil Company and Randy items. for the for men?oned items will be available for the <br /> event shortly. There will be fees associated with all other freeze and oil filters. A coupon for 4 items (free -small engine equipment without fluids, used motor oil, an?beds), ma?resses <br /> and box springs, propane tanks, scrap metal, -a-taining foam and/or metal (recliners, hidelected (i.e., shredding, bicycles, cardboard, electronics, fire ex?nguishers, fluorescent lamps, <br /> furniture con-s past for recycling will again be col-’CLEANUP DAY: All of the standard items that have been collected in year ’Look for a registra?on form soon on the city7 p.m. at <br /> Laurie LaMo?e Memorial Park. -Friday, June 16, 2023 from 3them to the ReUse Tent. The collec?on of these items will take place items around your house that you feel are reusable, <br /> you may donate GARAGE SALE DAYS/REUSE: Items not sold at Garage Sale Days or Staff is in the beginning stages of organizing both events. CLEANUP DAY (Saturday, June 17, 2023)MARK <br /> YOUR CALENDARS (Friday, June 9 & Saturday, June 10, 2023) & REUSE/ -2023 GARAGE SALE DAYS shortly therea?er. back will be received un?l 3/24/2023 with results following ble on our <br /> website or u?lize the QR Code on the right. Feed-years. Please take a moment to complete the survey availa-should look like in 10 ” downtown“taurants and what the informa?on from <br /> our residents regarding housing, retail, res-redevelopment market study and they would like to obtain s EDA is in the process of comple?ng a downtown ’The City HELP SHAPE YOUR COMMUNITY <br /> BY TAKING A SHORT SURVEY munity.bat Casualty Care. Please welcome Officer Henjum when you see him in the com-at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. During Ranger School, he focused on Tac?cal <br /> Com-s 101st Airborne Division ’Cloud State University and has served in the U.S. Armys degree in Criminal Jus?ce from St. ’community. Officer Henjum has a Bachelorhis oath to the member <br /> ci?es and we are fortunate to have him as a part of the Chief Mork swore in new officer, Cole Henjum recently. Officer Henjum pledged CENTENNIAL LAKES POLICE DEPARTMENT ma?.montain@centennialfire.or <br />gare interested in an applica?on, please contact Ba?alion Chief Ma? Montain at: out their Facebook page: s base hourly pay. ’events and <br /> community involvement are paid on their firefighter(current funding $7,500/year) with full ves?ng a?er 20 years of service; other provided to member and they become par?ally vested a?er <br /> 10 years of service applicants should be within seven (7) minutes of the sta?on in their city; pension is courses and cer?fica?ons are available a?er the two (2) year proba?onary period; <br /> trict member (Firefighter 1 & 2, Hazmat Opera?ons & EMT); Advanced training The department pays for all required training and cer?fica?ons to become a Dis- CENTENNIAL FIRE DISTRICT IS <br /> HIRING FIREFIGHTERS/EMTs <br /> <br />
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