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aertd& <br />>,fid <br />Date: 05-10-2023 <br />Applicant: Michael A. Lee <br />CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br />REQUEST FOR VARIANCE <br />Street Address: 1746 Dupre Road <br />• City Review will ccase if wets <br />exceed deposit and deposit is not <br />replenished. <br />Fee: $250.00 + $500.00 Deposit* Zoning: <br />CitylStatelZip: Centerville, MN 55038 <br />Phone: 763-458-6881 <br />Status of Applicant: Owner X Lease Holder Other <br />Legal Description of Property: Section 23, Township 31, Range 22, Anoka County, MN <br />Lot 1, Block 4, Pheasant Marsh, First Addition. <br />Street Address (subject property): 1746 Dupre Road <br />Description of Request: Request to rebuild over 20 year old storage shed. Rebuild in <br />same location, but slightly larger. Two foot wider and two foot deeper. <br />Reason for Request: The shed is old and no longer functions well. Need slightly larger <br />shed for future storage needs. <br />A use variance may not be granted if the use is prohibited in a zoning district. This may occur <br />when the local zoning ordinance specifically lists prohibited uses (such as industrial uses in a <br />residential zone) or when a zoning ordinance lists permitted uses and states that all uses not <br />specifically listed are considered prohibited. <br />Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of <br />the ordinance and when the terms of the variance are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Practical difficulties: <br />• The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner. This factor <br />means that the landowner would like to use the property in a particular reasonable way <br />but cannot do so under the rules of the ordinance. It does not mean that the land cannot <br />be put to any reasonable use whatsoever without the Variance. <br />• The landowner's situation is due to circumstances unique to the property not caused by <br />the landowner. The uniqueness generally relates to the physical characteristics of the <br />particular piece of property and economic considerations along cannot create practical <br />difficulties. <br />• The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. The factor <br />generally contemplates whether the resulting structure will be out of scale, out of place, <br />or otherwise inconsistent with the surrounding area. <br />Variances are to be granted only if strict enforcement of a zoning ordinance causes practical <br />difficulties. A landowner who purchased land knowing a variance would be necessary in order to <br />make the property buildable is not barred from requesting a variance on the grounds the hardship <br />was self-imposed. <br />