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2023-07-10 Revised P & Z Packet
Planning & Zoning
Agenda Packets
2023-07-10 Revised P & Z Packet
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7/10/2023 1:24:08 PM
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7/10/2023 1:23:53 PM
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City of Centerville <br />Planning and Zoning Commission <br />February 7, 2023 <br />Attorney Glasser reviewed the revised draft language in the ordinance, noting that revisions are <br />based largely on the city of Lino Lakes ordinance. Proposed revisions point out where hunting is <br />allowed and what type(s) of firearms are allowed. Subdivision A outlines key revisions. The <br />definitions portion of the ordinance was also updated. <br />The P&Z agreed on the revised draft language and that they would like to table the item for future <br />discussion. <br />A public meeting was already held a couple of months ago. <br />Motion by Commissioner Olson, seconded by Commissioner Thompson to table the ordinance <br />with proposed changes. <br />Chair Kubat suggested there be a friendly amendment to table the ordinance to include a timeframe <br />for further discussion. <br />Motion by Commissioner Olson, seconded by Commissioner Nelson to table the ordinance <br />with proposed changes until the August P&Z meeting. All in favor. Motion carried. <br />2.Ordinance Review Î # 156, Section 156, 104 Temporary Dwellings & Structures <br />Administrator Statz introduced this item, explaining that the existing ordinance prohibits temporary <br />occupancy in an RV or tent, unless council makes an exception for extenuating circumstances. <br />Administrator Statz reviewed the summary of proposed revisions as presented in the packet. <br />Discussion ensued about the definitions of recreational vehicle, and the proposed revision uses the <br />definition included in the state statute. <br />Discussion ensued about the length of occupancy in a tent. The revision to the proposed language, <br />as presented in the packet, is that tents can be erected for fourteen continuous days in a month. The <br />implementation strategy needs further consideration by the city attorney and building official. <br />Attorney Glasser will review the ordinance against the building code. <br />A public hearing will be held on March 14, 2023 at the March Planning and Zoning Commission <br />meeting. <br />3.No Parking Areas Î Review 3.No Parkingg Areas Î Review <br />Administrator Statz introduced this item and reviewed the map and chart that are included in the Administrator Statz introduced this item and reviewed the mapp and chart that are included <br /> in the <br />packet. The chart lists each no parking area and provides information about why each area exists ppgpacket. The chart lists each no parking area and pprovides information about why each <br /> area exists y <br />and a recommendation on whether it should continue to exists, based on previous committee and a recommendation on whether it should continue to exists, based on previous committee <br />discussion. discussion. <br />Administrator Statz noted two changes to the map: Administrator Statz noted two changes to the map:gp <br />On Mound Trail a large portion of the road was designated as no parking and the staff On Mound Trail a large portion of the road was designated as no parking and the staff gpg <br />recommendation is that the no parking designation be for the just the far west portion of the recommendation is that the no parking designationbe for the just the far west portion of <br /> the <br />road. road. <br />On Brian Drive, the recommendation was to remove the no parking designation and after On Brian Drive, the recommendation was toremove the no parking designation and after <br />Page 2 of 4 <br /> <br />
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