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City of Centerville <br />City Council Meeting Minutes <br />May 24, 2023 <br />stacking of trucks along CSAH14 near 2050/2070 Main Street. He stated that the Conditional Use Permit <br />associated with the building does not allow for this specifically and there are safety concerns associated <br />with drivers unstrapping their loads on the shoulder and concerns for vehicle passage. Administrator <br />Statz stated that is no signage along Main Street as the issue has not been encountered up until the <br />business started operating. He reported that two (2) meetings have taken place with the owner regarding <br />the issue and the City has received several emails from neighboring businesses that they would allow <br />temporary on street parking of these vehicles on Commerce Drive. <br />Mayor Love questioned whether parking was legal on CSAH14 in that vicinity. Administrator Statz <br />stated that the city made it no parking in 2009/2011 but has no signage. City Attorney Glaser stated that <br />legally a ticket cannot be written when the area is unmarked. There was concern for the definition of <br />"parking" and some scenarios were given (i.e., brakes on engine running, vehicle in park, etc.) <br />Public Comment <br />Mr. Lucas Wiborg, Curtis Ventures, appeared before Council and stated that the stacking of vehicles <br />along CSAH14 was an unforeseen operational issue with roofing being highly seasonal, labor shortages <br />and inventory fluctuations. Mr. Wiborg stated that he has been in discussions with both the tenant and <br />City staff, is aware of the recommended no parking map and would like to suggest modifications to the <br />map as presented as he has provided adjacent business support for temporary, on street parking on <br />Commerce Drive. Mr. Wiborg stated that seven businesses have presented the City with letters of support <br />for this suggestion. He stated that Rumble and ADL also provided letters that were received later than <br />the packet was revised. Mr. Wiborg could like consideration for needs of users. <br />Discussion ensued regarding seeking alternatives with preference being parking on Commerce Drive's <br />south side where there is no development, re -striping of the existing roadway to allow for, amount of <br />stacking that would be desired (3-4 parking spaces), current parking situation along CSAH14 with some <br />on Michaud Way, not allowing vehicle parking for other businesses on Fairview, parking not being <br />overnight, seasonal (April/June) and semi parking only, forwarding back to Planning & Zoning for more <br />additional consideration and public input, direction of trucks parked along Commerce Drive and ease of <br />access on to CSAH14 to gain access to the site, posting signage along CSAH14 as No Parking. <br />Motion by Council Member Koski, seconded by Council Member Kind to Forward the Item Back <br />to the Planning & Zoning Commission for Further Discussion and Input. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the number of parking spaces, ease of access onto Main Street, parking not <br />being in front of businesses, etc. <br />All in favor. Motion carried. <br />3. Set Date for Strategic Plan Review Work Session <br />Administrator Statz stated that he is suggesting that a Work Session be scheduled to discuss reviewing <br />of the Strategic Plan due to timing and length of meeting. He asked if Council wanted to have a Work <br />Session or two on the first meeting of the month or a separate meeting date that would allow for lengthier <br />discussion. He felt that review could be had regarding what has been completed and what remained for <br />the remaining year as six months are difficult to finish up projects. <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />