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LACLEAGUE of <br />MINNESOTA <br />CITIES <br />Focus on New Laws: Managed <br />Natural and Native Landscaping <br />Permitted in Cities <br />July 7, 2023 <br />Cities must now allow managed natural landscaping to be installed and maintained on all <br />parcels. <br />Effective July 1, 2023, municipalities are required to allow property owners and occupants to <br />install and maintain managed natural landscapes. <br />Chapter 62 (HF 1830*/SF 1426) is the omnibus state government finance bill that was signed <br />into law on May 24, 2023. Article 3, section 9 creates a new provision of law as Minnesota <br />Statutes, section 412.925: <br />• Subpoint (a) requires all statutory cities or home rule charter cities to allow an owner, <br />authorized agent, or authorized occupant of any privately owned lands or premises to install <br />and maintain a managed natural landscape and defines a number of associated. <br />• Subpoint (b) states that managed natural landscapes may exceed 8 inches in height and be <br />allowed to go to seed, but must be maintained and cannot include noxious weeds. <br />• Subpoint (c) states that weeds and grasses that are not part of a managed natural landscape <br />cannot exceed 8 inches in height or be allowed to go to seed. <br />City ordinances that are not consistent with this change would not be enforceable and may <br />need to be amended or repealed. <br />Managed natural landscape defined <br />"Managed natural landscape" is defined as a planned, intentional, and maintained planting of <br />native or nonnative grasses, wildflowers, forbs, ferns, shrubs, or trees, including but not <br />limited to rain gardens, meadow vegetation, and ornamental plants. Managed natural <br />landscapes does not include turf -grass lawns left unattended for the purpose of returning to a <br />natural state. <br />The bill permits landowners to maintain managed natural landscapes in excess of 8 inches in <br />height. However, weeds or grasses that are growing on land in a city, are taller than 8 inches, <br />have gone to seed, and are not a part of a managed natural landscape are prohibited. The law <br />went into effect July 1, 2023, and supersedes any local regulations requiring residents to <br />maintain a managed turf -grass lawn. <br />Lawn law history <br />Minnesota is not the first state to pass legislation loosening local requirements with respect to <br />residential lawns. In 2009, the Florida Legislature passed Florida Statutes 373.185, establishing <br />