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Teresa Bender <br />� �������� �moRm�oioioioum�oioioioioumommummuuuuuuuuuuuum� i���m��i <br />From: <br />Mark Statz <br />Sent: <br />Friday, October 27, 2023 1:41 PM <br />To: <br />Teresa Bender <br />Subject: <br />Trail on Centerville Elementary School Property <br />Categories: Important <br />Teresa, <br />Paul does not recall any and I don't find any evidence that there is an easement over the school's property for a trail. It <br />appears that the trail was constructed at some point between 1997 and 2005. It was NOT a part of the Lakeland Hills <br />development except for the portion of the trial that is off the school property which extends from Lakeland Circle, south <br />to the north line of the school property. <br />We believe the school built the trail when the water was extended to the school in the late nineties and paved sometime <br />prior to 2005. The city simply hooked to it on the north with the Lakeland Hills Development and on the south with our <br />trail along Progress Road, which was built as part of the larger Trail Link project in 2010. <br />All of this means that we probably do not have any recourse if the school wants to sign the trail to be closed during day, <br />for security reasons. <br />At this point, you could update the parks committee, but I'm not sure any further action is required. <br />Thanks. <br />