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‘ŷğƷ źƭ ğ ͻaĻĻƷźƓŭͼ ǒƓķĻƩ hƦĻƓ aĻĻƷźƓŭ \[ğǞ? <br />! ͻƒĻĻƷźƓŭͼ źƭ ǞŷĻƩĻ ğ ƨǒƚƩǒƒ ƚŅ ğ /źƷǤ /ƚƒƒźƷƷĻĻ ķźƭĭǒƭƭͲ ķĻĭźķĻͲ ƚƩ ƩĻĭĻźǝĻƭ źƓŅƚƩƒğƷźƚƓ ƩĻƌğƷźƓŭ Ʒƚ ƷŷĻ <br />ĬƚķǤ͸ƭ ƚŅŅźĭźğƌ ĬǒƭźƓĻƭƭ͵ ͻaĻĻƷźƓŭƭͼ ƒǒƭƷ ĬĻ hƦĻƓ Ʒƚ ƷŷĻ tǒĬƌźĭ͵ <br />MEETINGS: <br />LEGAL* <br /> Physical gatherings <br />ILLEGAL <br /> DƩƚǒƦ Ļƒğźƌƭ Α ͻwĻƦƌǤ !ƌƌͼ <br />ILLEGAL <br /> Serial communications <br />o Phone / texts from one Member to the next, and to the next ILLEGAL <br />o ͻ/ŷğźƓͼ Ļƒğźƌƭ ğƓķ Ʒğǣ ƭĻƓƷ ŅƩƚƒ ƚƓĻ aĻmber to the next , and to the next ILLEGAL <br />ILLEGAL <br /> Secret meetings <br />o Send texts between Members during a meeting ILLEGAL <br />‘ŷǤ ğƩĻ ƷŷĻƭĻ ͻaĻĻƷźƓŭƭͼ L\[\[9D!\[? <br /> Lawful meetings require Notice to the Public (Time and Place) <br /> The meeting must be open to the public <br /> Regular Meetings <br />o Per a schedule on file at City Hall <br /> Closed or Special Meetings <br />o 3-days posted notice <br />o 1-day mailed notice to Members <br />o 3-days mailed / published notice to anyone requesting notice of special meetings <br /> AND, written materials used by the body during a meeting must be available to the Public <br />‘ŷğƷ źƭ bh ğ ͻaĻĻƷźƓŭͼ ǒƓķĻƩ ƷŷĻ ha\[? <br /> {ƚĭźğƌ ŭğƷŷĻƩźƓŭƭ Ͷ <br /> /źƷǤ ƩğźƓźƓŭ Ͷ <br />͵͵͵ ǞŷĻƩĻ ƚŅŅźĭźğƌ ĬǒƭźƓĻƭƭ ƚŅ ǤƚǒƩ ĬƚķǤ źƭ bh ķźƭĭǒƭƭĻķ <br />Penalties <br /> Violator to pay $300 fine per violation (City cannot pay this) <br /> Violator Forfeits office after 3+ separate, intentional violations <br /> City to pay reasonable costs, disbursements, and attorney fees up to $13,000 <br />o Sometimes, City must pay mandatory Attorney fees for obvious violations <br />ΫΫΫ ‘ğƷĭŷ ƚǒƷ ŅƚƩ ƷŷĻ ͻƒĻĻƷźƓŭ ğŅƷĻƩ ƷŷĻ ƒĻĻƷźƓŭͼ ƚƩ ƷŷĻ ͻƒĻĻƷźƓŭ źƓ ƷŷĻ ƦğƩƉźƓŭ ƌƚƷͼ ΫΫΫ <br />Best Practices <br />Gatherings: ‘ŷǤ ƷğƉĻ ƷŷĻ ƩźƭƉͪ <br />LŅ Ǥƚǒ ƷŷźƓƉ Ǥƚǒ͸ƌƌ ĬĻ ŭğƷŷĻƩźƓŭ ǞźƷŷ ƚƷŷĻƩ aĻƒĬĻƩƭ ƚŅ your body, simply ask Staff to post notice of a <br />potential public meeting. In the past we have posted meeting notices for park and skate events, funerals - <br />ǞĻ ƚƓĭĻ ƦƚƭƷĻķ ğ ƒĻĻƷźƓŭ ƓƚƷźĭĻ Ʒƚ ŷğƓŭ ƚǒƷ źƓ ƚƒ \[ĻĻ͸ƭ ŭğƩğŭĻ͵ <br /> <br /> <br />