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Res. #24-005 - Voicing Opposition to Proposed Legislation Preempting Local Zoning Control
City Council
Res. #24-005 - Voicing Opposition to Proposed Legislation Preempting Local Zoning Control
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CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br />RES. 424-005 <br />Resolution Voicing Opposition to Proposed Legislation Preempting Local Zoning <br />Control <br />Whereas, the Minnesota State Legislature has several active bills proposed which would <br />preempt city zoning code in an effort to solve the state's housing crisis, including <br />HF4009, SF3964, and SF3980; and <br />Whereas, the city of Centerville acknowledges the need for a variety of housing units, <br />spanning the gamut from single family homes, to deeply affordable multifamily units, <br />and is committed to working with developers to efficiently build these projects; and <br />Whereas, our current city zoning allows multi -family units in many large tracts of open <br />land as well as existing neighborhoods; and <br />Whereas, while well intended, these bills and others which seek to solve the housing <br />crisis by allowing the construction of duplex, triplex and larger multiplexes in traditional, <br />single-family neighborhoods will have unintended, negative consequences, especially in <br />cities like Centerville with aging housing stock, incentivizing the razing of existing, <br />affordable single-family homes in order to build a duplex with two homes, each more <br />expensive than the one they replaced; and <br />Whereas, there are myriad other concerns with this type of legislation, such as <br />sewer, water and stormwater system capacity, public school capacities, disruption <br />of traffic patterns, impacts on home values, pedestrian safety impacts from on -street <br />parking and many more; and <br />Whereas, each city in the Metro Area has worked diligently, with public input and <br />guidance from the Metropolitan Council, to establish community -specific and <br />regionally accountable, affordable housing goals; and <br />Whereas, we, as city governments, are ready to implement those plans, meet those goals, <br />and solve our housing crisis alongside our state partners, who can support cities' efforts <br />by incentivizing the acceleration or expansion of those plans to meet our immediate need. <br />Now Therefore, be it Resolved, that the city of Centerville opposes HF4009, SF3964, <br />SF3980 and other legislation which preempts the long history of successful local <br />zoning control. <br />PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council this 13t' day of March, 2024. <br />_ cm.Aft <br />D. Lave (Mar 15, 2024 07:13 CDT) <br />D. Love, Mayor <br />Attest <br />Teresa Bender, City Clerk <br />
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