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Developer securities have been received by the city for 35% of the initial project costs and will be held <br />through the 2-year warranty period, which will end in 2024. <br />Bay View Villas (Waterworks Site) <br />Application for a wetland permit close-out has now been received by the watershed and is in process for <br />approval. Several minor punch list items remain. <br />Max Storage (Fairview Street) <br />The building has been given a Certificate of Occupancy and is now fully operational. <br />Drilling Estates <br />The owner of the westernmost two lots on Mound Trail is looking to shift the common lot line between the <br />two. After some discussion, all parties agree that platting the property (it’s not currently platted) would be <br />the best way to accomplish this. An application for preliminary plat has now been received and a public <br />hearing will be held at the May Planning and Zoning Meeting. The plat would not create any new lots. The <br />plat will be jointly signed by Centerville and Lino Lakes, since the properties straddle the municipal <br />boundary. <br />Development Inquiries <br />Real Estate business owner looking to build storefront for “Staging” business, with some finished space <br />nd <br />for storage of staging items. Also interested in 2 floor apartments. <br />Commercial Investor looking to purchase a commercial/industrial building in Centerville and convert it <br />to commercial/industrial condominiums. <br />COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT (February 2024) <br />Website (February) <br />1.3k users <br />1.2k new <br />4.2k page views <br />Web Site (Featured News) <br />Centerville Lake Alum Treatment <br />CSAH 54 Corridor Study Open House <br />Town Hall Open House <br />City Day on the Hill <br />Hiring Public Services/Public Works/Parks Tech <br />Stories for Cemetery Tour <br />Garage Sale Days <br />Share your Feedback – LaLonde Development <br />Follow us on Social Media <br /> <br />