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• Acting in a manner not here and above specified which tends to lower <br />discipline or morale within the City or that adversely affects the rendering of <br />prompt, courteous, and efficient service by the City and its employees to the <br />public. <br /> <br />In addition, disciplinary action may be taken for reasons specifically defined by <br />department rules other than those listed herein. <br /> <br />Discipline may take one of the following forms and may be applied progressively as noted <br />below or based on the City’s decision. Discipline except dismissal may be implemented <br />by the City Administrator, subject to appeal to the City Council in accordance with the <br />grievance procedure contained in this Personnel Policy. <br /> <br />A) Oral Warning: Oral warning should normally be given for the first infraction to <br />clarify expectations and put the Employee on notice that the performance or <br />specific behaviors need to change. There may be a time when the first infraction is <br />so serious that an oral warning may be insufficient. <br /> <br />B) Written Warning: A written warning shall normally state the reason for the <br />warning along with a description of the events/problems that led to the warning. It <br />shall normally describe actions taken by the supervisor to correct the problem, if <br />applicable, including any timetable or goals set for improvement. It will indicate <br />further disciplinary action that could result if the problem continues or if related <br />problems occur. <br /> <br />The warning will be given to the Employee to sign acknowledging that he or she <br />has received the warning and a copy of their records. Another copy of the written <br />warning shall be placed in the Employee’s personnel file. <br /> <br />Written warnings are more serious than oral warnings and normally follow verbal <br />warnings when the problem is not corrected or the behavior is not consistently <br />improved, given a reasonable period of time for improvement. Serious infractions <br />may require skipping the verbal and written warning. <br /> <br />C) Suspension: The Employee will normally be notified in writing of the reason for <br />the suspension, either prior to the suspension or shortly thereafter. Upon the <br />Employee’s return to work, the Employee will be given a written statement outlining <br />further disciplinary action possible should the problem continue or reoccur. A copy <br />of the written document shall be placed in the Employee’s personnel file. <br /> <br />An Employee may be suspended pending an investigation of an allegation. If the <br />allegation is proven false after an investigation, the relevant written documents will <br />be removed from the personnel file and the Employee will receive any <br />compensation to which he/she would have been due had the suspension not taken <br />place. <br /> <br />D) Dismissal: The City Council may dismiss any Employee following a five (5) day <br />suspension. The dismissal notice shall be in writing and shall contain the reason <br />for dismissal. <br />Page 35 of 60 <br /> <br />