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Data Practices Act: Confidential information will be governed by and treated according <br />to the Minnesota Data Practices Act. The City Administrator is the Data Practices Officer. <br />All questionable requests should be referred to the City Administrator. <br /> <br />20.8 Political Activities <br /> <br />General: Political activities which are not in violation of State and Federal laws are <br />generally permitted. The following political activities are prohibited for City Employees: <br /> <br />A) City Employees may not use any official authority or influence for the purpose of <br />affecting the result of an election nor may funds be solicited or contributions received <br />from other Employees for political purposes. <br /> <br />B) No campaign materials, pamphlets or buttons may be displayed on City vehicles, <br />City property or by an individual on the work site, nor may they be distributed by an <br />employee during his working hours. <br /> <br />21. APPEARANCE AND ATTIRE POLICY <br />21.1 General <br /> <br />The attire and the appearance of City Employees have a direct reflection on the <br />professionalism in the delivery of City services. City Employees are required to meet the <br />general public daily as part of their regular work assignment and as such, a neatly attired <br />City Employee presents a positive image both of themselves and the City of Centerville. <br /> <br />When deciding on appropriate work attire, City Employees shall employ sound discretion <br />in their decisions as clothing needs vary by job function and safety. These considerations <br />should be based on job safety, City image, and personal hygiene. <br /> <br />The City Administrator will be responsible for determining if attire is appropriate. <br />Employees who have questions concerning appropriate work attire should direct them to <br />the City Administrator. The city will follow the CROWN Act per Minn. Stat. § 363A.03, <br />subd. 36a; 2023 Minn. Sess. Laws Ch. 3.The Minnesota Department of Human Rights <br />explained that the CROWN Act is intended to protect against discrimination based on <br />race-based natural hair textures and styles under the Minnesota Human Rights Act <br />(MHRA). <br />22. ELECTRONIC MEDIA USAGE POLICY <br /> <br />22.1 General <br />Guidelines: The Metro-INET Acceptable Use Policy is designed to provide clear <br />guidelines to all joint powers member employees regarding access to and disclosure of <br />computer, network, telephone, and facsimile systems. Employees increasingly use and <br />exploit electronic forms of communication and information exchange and have access to <br />one or more forms of electronic media and services including computers, email, <br />Page 41 of 60 <br /> <br />