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Examination: If an examination is required for a position, the examination shall be <br />administered by the City Administrator or his/her designee. Upon receipt of the examination <br />results, the City Administrator or his/her designee shall notify each person taking the <br />examination, in writing, of the results. Examination scores will be adjusted in accordance <br />with the provisions of the Veterans Preference Act where applicable. <br />Disqualification of Application: An applicant may be rejected at any time if the applicant <br />fails to respond at any stage of the selection process. <br />4.4 Appointment Authority <br />Regular: The City Council is the Appointment Authority for the City of Centerville and will <br />make all full-time appointments, upon the recommendation of the City Administrator. The <br />City Administrator shall submit a hiring recommendation for eligible candidates to the City <br />Council. <br />Other: Appointments to budgeted part-time, seasonal, intermittent, and temporary <br />positions are delegated to the City Administrator. <br />4.5 Temporary Appointments <br />General: If necessary to prevent interruption of service or inconvenience to the public, <br />the City Council may approve temporary appointments. A temporary appointment may <br />be made for a specified period of time or may be open-ended. When the appointment is <br />open-ended, the City Administrator shall determine the ending date based on the needs <br />of the City, subject to Council approval. Temporary appointments will normally be of a <br />duration of six months or less. Extension of this maximum time period may be made on <br />an exception basis if warranted by the needs of the city and approved by the City Council. <br />Appointees to temporary positions will not be entitled to benefits. <br />4.6 Pre -Employment Medical Exams <br />Applicability: The city may determine that a pre -employment medical examination is <br />necessary to determine fitness for any City position. Where a medical examination is <br />required, the offer of employment shall be made contingent upon successful completion <br />of the medical exam. If the City determines that pre -employment medical exams will be <br />required, they shall be required of all candidates who are conditionally offered <br />employment for a given job class. <br />Confidentiality: The information obtained during the medical exam shall be treated in <br />the same manner as confidential medical records under the Minnesota Data Practices Act <br />and HIPAA regulations. <br />Exam: A licensed physician designated by the Employer shall conduct the exam. The <br />physician conducting the exam shall be provided with a description of the duties and <br />responsibilities and other pertinent information about the position. The City shall pay the <br />cost of the exam. The physician shall notify the City Administrator whether or not a <br />candidate is medically able to perform the job. <br />Page 7 of 60 <br />