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<br /> <br />out of Kwik onto 14 trying to head to 35….so they are driving wrong way on one way. <br />Widen and make it look Goode. <br />A safe conduit North-South conduit for local access to homes and businesses. <br /> <br />Make the street wider so people can ride bikes safely <br />Clean, contemporary and easy to use. <br />Complete Bike Path on East side of CSAH 54, north of CSAH 14. <br />vehicles, it is scary to witness as many close calls as we have. We would LOVE the opportunity to <br />sidewalk/bike path, would make it so much easier for families to navigate this road between the <br />two neighborhoods, and more so for us, give the families ON 20th ave, the ability to go INTO the <br />neighborhoods for get togethers/playdates. We would also love to see the speed limit DECREASED <br />e <br />and access coming in the near future. <br />please keep it a wild and green area <br />The speed limit needs to be lowered north of birch. Crosswalks and a sidewalk is badly needed. <br />The street is unsafe for people walking and biking. I’ve seen too many accidents and pedestrians <br />e badly hurt. <br />We would like to see side walks added along this corridor for the new developments to access the <br />on of the new homes. <br />To be a safe road that all modes of travel can share and use. <br />Street. <br />freeway and county 14 exit instead of county j to 54) and it has to be widened with bike and <br />walking lanes, or someone is going to get killed. <br /> <br />not as important to me as it may be to others ... especially those residents in the new housing <br />developments. Would like to see the expenses related to improvements associated with <br />the city, the city should have planned for and appropriately budgeted for such infrastructure <br />improvements. <br /> <br />White Bear Lake so that there is access without having to use a car. I think a trail along this <br /> <br />Page <br /> <br />