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2024-06-12 CC Minutes - Approved
City Council
2024-06-12 CC Minutes - Approved
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City of Centerville <br />City Council Meeting Minutes <br />June 12, 2024 <br />Motion by Council Member Taylor, seconded by Council Member Sweeney to Approve the Agenda <br />with the Removal of the Public Hearing, Tabling of the Minutes, the Removal of New Business Item <br />#1 and the Addition of Public Comment. Motion carried. <br /> <br />IV. APPOINTMENT/PRESENTATION/PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> <br />Mayor Love stated that the comments would be provided without back-and-forth conversation and <br />requested that the period for each comment should be limited to five minutes. He stated that he would <br />call individuals for comments in order that the Comment Forms were received. This is an opportunity for <br />the public to provide comments for the Council to listen to and consider. <br /> <br />Mr. Chad Wagner, 6781 Beaver Pond Way, asked about the desire of reaching a population of 5,000 and <br />that additional funding would be provided for State Aid when/if available. He stated that he was unaware <br />of the amount but felt that it was $100,000 + a year and that if that was the deciding factor or what the <br />push was for that. He stated that if the goal is financial, then working with the City of Lino Lakes regarding <br />public safety seemed like an avenue to alleviate funding for those services. He stated that the City of Lino <br />Lakes previously had a different Mayor who was not interested in working collaboratively previously <br />when services were joint but now there was a different Mayor who is interested in entertaining <br />collaboration of services and that it seemed like a logical issue. He stated that he felt that the cost savings <br />would be more than any state aid and asked if the Council could comment or state their position on the <br />matter. Mayor Love stated that the Council would not address the issue and were only receiving input at <br />this time and thanked Mr. Wagner for his comments. <br /> <br />Ms. Karen Brumbaugh, 7210 LaValle Drive, stated that she has lived in the community for four years and <br />is representing the thoughts of others that live within her development (i.e., opposed to TIF and that it did <br />not seem fair or logical to them. She also stated that the Master Plan had been developed numerous years <br />ago and they were wondering if the Council would consider rezoning under the Master Plan and making <br />the LaLonde property single family homes and that the location will tell people how beautiful Centerville <br />is on that piece of property. She thanked Council for their time. Mayor Love thanked Ms. Brumbaugh <br />for her comments. <br /> <br />Heather Carciofini, 1652 Lakeland Circle, stated that she has learned a large amount about the city in the <br />last several weeks and what the residents want and do not want. She stated that she sincerely hoped that <br />the Council had learned some things as well. She stated that she has met and chatted with more Centerville <br />neighbors in the past two months than in the entire time that she has lived in Centerville. She thanked the <br />Council for that opportunity with this issue. She strongly urged Council to get there and knock on some <br />doors themselves and have some conversations too. She stated that she very much hoped that Council <br />would come to see along with herself and her neighbors that high density development is just not an <br />appropriate fit for Centerville and that constructing a high density housing project along with associated <br />retail development that is anticipated to follow on perhaps the most iconic and picturesque corner of town <br />is a terrible mistake and that once it is done it can not be redone. She hoped that the Council will revisit <br />the 2006 Master Plan and the rezoning that was completed to facilitate it. She thanked Council for their <br />time. Mayor Love thanked Ms. Carciofini for her comments. <br /> <br />Ms. Anita Rios, 1680 Lakeland Circle, stated that she wanted to thank each and everyone of them for <br />taking her calls over the last week and that they listened to her concerns and share their perspectives for <br />the future development in Centerville. She stated that while the current TIF resolution is mute, she wanted <br />to go on record to say that if they are in any doubt about a very contingent of Centerville residents are not <br />Page 2 of 7 <br /> <br /> <br />
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