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City of Centerville <br />City Council Work Session & Meeting Minutes <br />August 28, 2024 <br />not feel that it was properly installed. Administrator Statz stated that he did inspect the rip-rap that was <br />installed by Mr. DeFoe and felt that it was properly installed. He also shared this with the property owners <br />that were asking for reimbursement and Administrator Statz declined their request. Administrator Statz <br />stated that those homeowners did remove the plantings prior to removing the rip-rap but the plantings <br />were not established and thriving in the areas of discussion. Administrator Statz stated that reimbursement <br />is only for the plantings and not labor associated with the installation. <br /> <br />Administrator Statz stated that there were only two inspections ensuring planting establishment when <br />there were to be five inspections. He stated that last week he met with Mr. DeFoe and his landscaper on <br />site and walked the area of question. Mr. DeFoe stated that even his landscaper stated that it was rather <br />odd that all plantings, but the three locations in question, failed. Administrator Statz stated that there was <br />to be five inspections. Mr. DeFoe stated that the landscaper was on site numerous times, and was very <br />familiar with the plantings. Administrator Statz stated that Mr. DeFoe was asked numerous times and it <br />went back two years to provide evidence that he had a contract with someone to complete the follow-up <br />work and on several occasions, we requested Mr. DeFoe to simply have something sent from Hein’s <br />nursery stating that they were under contract to complete spot spraying and spot weeding and we never <br />received anything like that. <br /> <br />Administrator Statz stated that there were four trees planted in the area of the docks and clearly that area <br />is not conducive to planting trees so they will be planted in a different area of the development along with <br />two dead trees that will be replaced. Administrator Statz stated that Alex’s Landscaping has been <br />contracted to take care of these items. Mr. DeFoe stated that his landscaper has stated that the two that <br />are dead have been killed by the Grounds keepers and the homeowner’s responsibility. He stated that the <br />development has more trees than what was called for as property owners have installed their own trees. <br />Mr. DeFoe stated that the four trees could replace the two dead trees. Mr. DeFoe stated that he was a first- <br />time developer so staff had to deal with that, many times he came to them with questions and he <br />appreciated their help. Administrator Statz stated that the trees are passed the warranty period that he had <br />with the landscaper and the project is not finished and we are looking at the plan stating is this in place. <br />He stated that the way to avoid all of that would have been to have it completed in 2020, literally four <br />years ago when it was supposed to be all done. Administrator Statz stated that when you looked at the <br />root cause of all of the issues, it had been four years past when it should have been completed. He added <br />that the further you drag things out, the longer it is to get things done. <br /> <br />Mayor Love stated that he would address the issues one at a time (Check #36960): <br /> <br />A check in the amount of $8,5067.50 to the homeowner’s association for things not completed. Discussion <br />ensued regarding the plan, no counterproposal(s), tradeoff of relaxation of standards and the public with <br />the zoning code, standing firm of public standards, the area near the dock was not protected wetland, plan <br />not being followed and floodplain mitigation area/flood fringe area. <br /> <br />Mayor Love called for a recess of five minutes at 7:35 p.m. stating that the Council would reconvene <br />at 7:40 p.m. <br /> <br />Mayor Love reconvened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. <br /> <br />Additional discussion took place regarding the Bayview Villas Closeout including, checks and balances <br />that did not happen, grading plan versus landscape plan is just a plan and things do not always work out, <br />the amount of money for something that you cannot do anything with, confusion, COVID, awarding <br />Page 7 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br />