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responsibilities for long-term operation and maintenance of stormwater treatment practices that are not owned or <br />operated by the City. At a minimum, the long-term maintenance agreement must include provisions that. <br />(A) Allow the City to conduct inspections of structural stormwater BMPs not owned or operated by the City, <br />perform necessary maintenance, and assess costs for those structural stormwater BMPs when the City <br />determines the owner of that structural stormwater BMP has not ensured proper function; <br />(B) Are designed to preserve the City's right to ensure maintenance responsibility, for structural stormwater <br />BMPs not owned or operated by the City, when those responsibilities are legally transferred to another <br />parry; and <br />(C) Are designed to protect/preserve structural stormwater BMPs. If structural stormwater BMPs change, <br />causing decreased effectiveness, new, repaired, or improved structural stormwater BMPs must be <br />implemented to provide equivalent treatment to the original BMP. <br />157.29-157.31 Reserved <br />157.32. Alterations to and Use of Public and Private Stormwater Ponds. <br />(A) No alterations to shorelines or vegetation around stormwater ponds shall be allowed unless authorized <br />by the City. <br />(B) Fountains or other circulating devices will not be allowed in stormwater ponds unless authorized by <br />the City. <br />(C) Chemical treatment of stormwater ponds will not be allowed unless authorized by the City. <br />(D) Structures will not be allowed within the stormwater pond or protective buffer zone. These will <br />include but not be limited to retaining walls, docks, piers, diving platforms, etc. <br />(E) Recreational activities, including but not limited to boating, swimming, fishing and <br />skating are prohibited on stormwater ponds located on city owned property. These activities are discouraged on <br />all other ponds. <br />(F) Dumping of yard waste materials in, on or around any stormwater pond is prohibited. <br />(G) Cattails growing in and around stormwater ponds may be cut with the permission and direction of the <br />City. <br />157.33. Appropriations from stormwater ponds <br />Appropriation of water from stormwater ponds for the purpose of private irrigation may be allowed based upon <br />criteria established by the City. City approval must be granted before use begins. <br />157.34 - Reserved <br />157.35 Rain Gardens in Road Right of Way <br />(A) Rain gardens proposed for construction in the right of way must have plans approved by the City <br />Public Works Department. These plans will include illustration of area draining to the rain garden; design <br />details to prove proper sizing/capacity to handle the area of drainage; illustrate property boundaries, location of <br />street features, driveway, house and other structures in relation to the rain garden; and include proof of <br />infiltration potential and ability to drawdown <br />within a 48 hour period. <br />(B) Rain gardens capturing street runoff would require a curb cut to direct flow into the rain garden. Curb <br />cuts for rain gardens approved in the right of way will be constructed and paid for by the City. All other <br />6jPag <br />