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City of Centerville <br />City Council Meeting <br />October 23, 2024 <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Taylor, seconded by Council Member Mosher to Adopt <br />Res.#24-022 Supporting Grant Application – Empowering Small Minnesota <br />Communities (ESMS) as presented. All in favor. Motion carried <br />th <br />3. Discussion of 20 Avenue & Center Street Traffic/Safety <br />Mayor Love stated that he believed that the pedestrian path was the city’s and the city does <br />have control over that. He stated that the city could make requests of the County and work <br />with them but cannot make specific changes on our own. Administrator Statz stated that <br />obstructions cannot be placed in the County’s road right-of-way. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued regarding the City’s role with it being a safety issue, the corridor study <br />recently completed do what we can with law enforcement, short term mitigation, state <br />regulations, and things that can be addressed by the city.It was stated that it would be nice to <br />protect pedestrians on the trail, alleviate last minute signally and braking in the area, <br />completing the Fairview Street and Center Street alignment in the future, having additional <br />space between the trail and road right-of-way, assisting with accelerating the alignment, <br />ability to place signage such as no passing, etc. <br />Administrator Statz presented the final study and stated that the recommended future plan for <br />th <br />20 Avenue was that Fairview Street and Center Street align and include turn lanes. He stated <br />that funding from Amazon was received to complete this in a two-year plan. He questioned <br />whether to complete this as a stand-alone project or include it with Anoka County’s project. <br />He stated that he advocated that it be a stand-alone project and on everyone’s radar. He stated <br />that a round-a-bout was considered but eliminated as there would be either one at Cedar Street <br />or Birch Street or both. He also stated that Amazon deeded a sliver of property to Anoka <br />County where the roadway may have a potential to be moved to the east of this area and the <br />th <br />timing, 2 years, or with the 20 Avenue project. City Administrator Statz stated that the focus <br />should be place on immediate changes and what can be completed. He stated that constructing <br />a barrier may be an option. He stated that he did not believe that the County would allow the <br />city to construct a barrier in the right-of-way or at least out of the “clear zone”. He explained <br />that if there was an obstruction in the “clear zone” a guardrail is needed but if not in the “clear <br />zone”, no guardrail per engineering guidelines and principles state. He felt that a temporary <br />barrier could be constructed within days or weeks at the right-of-way or on private property. <br />He also stated that discussions would be needed as to type, costs, permissions, etc. He felt <br />that nothing stands in the way of placing barriers on private property as the County does not <br />have jurisdiction on private property. He also stated that the City’s code can be adjusted if <br />need be for this safety issue. He stated that he felt that was the quickest way to address this <br />issue at this time and the other concerns were going to take longer to address than everyone <br />would like. He stated that he does believe that the city can work with the County to expedite <br />the other items as quickly as possible. Administrator Statz stated that he reached out to the <br />Engineer as welland expected that a meeting will be held in the very near future. City <br />Administrator felt that a no passing zone did not have unintended consequences, lowering the <br />speed limit does not slow people down the data shows that it is not effective. He stated he <br />was unsure that whether a daycare could be allowed to be designated a school, but City <br />Page 6 of 11 <br /> <br />