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2025, January
City Council
2025, January
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1/10/2025 10:16:18 AM
Creation date
1/10/2025 10:13:59 AM
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This is a really fun, free event. popcorn, hot cocoa and a bonfire. Please bring a friend, parents, etc. Center will be on site with Fat Tire Bikes and Kicksleds. There will be <br /> free erutaN ograW .kraP e?oMaL ta .m.p 03:6 ta gnicnemmoc 5202 ,01 yrauThe Commi?ee is excited to announce their first skate night, Friday, Jan- PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE ANNUAL <br /> SKATE/SLED NIGHT p.m.8 —p.m. and Sundays, 12 p.m.10 —Saturdays, 10 a.m.p.m.; 10 —p.m.; Fridays, 4 p.m.9 —Thursdays, 4 p.m.—Monday RINKS & WARMING HOUSE HOURS . centennialfire.orgday <br /> at: You, too, can join our crew! Apply online to- CENTENNIAL FIRE IS HIRING Mark Statz, City Administrator, City of Centerville, 1880 Main Street, Centerville, <br /> MN 55038; Email: Applica?ons will be accepted un?l 4:00 p.m., January 17, 2025. Completed applica?ons should be submi?ed the QR code above to the right. You can stop by City Hall <br /> for an employment packet also.or scan h?ps://? a full employment packet, including job descrip?on, please visit: $37.99/hr. -$79,019.20/$25.84-Posi?on salary <br /> range: $53,747.20 -$66,393.60/$25.84-Hiring salary range: call duty evenings, weekends and holidays. -sponding to emergencies a?er hours and rota?ng oninforma?on within the scope <br /> of knowledge or refers inquires to the City Administrator. Posi?on requires re-requires the ability to respond to public inquiries in a courteous manner, providing s water and sewer <br /> systems. Posi?on ’trails). Also monitors and maintains the citying, filling potholes, paving, sweeping and snow removal (streets, sidewalks and ty and related equipment and facili?es. <br /> Also maintains roadways, including patch-li? sta?ons, water meters, cement work, buildings, parks, park equipment, proper-maintains and repairs main water and sewer lines, manholes, <br /> catch basins, wells, rec?on of the City Administrator. Du?es include but are not limited to: installs or Public Services Technician will work in the Public Works Department under <br /> the di-The City of Centerville is seeking applica?ons for a Public Services Technician. The PUBLIC SERVICES TECHNICIAN—NOW HIRING or scan the QR code to the le?. You can stop by <br /> City Hall for an employment packet also. h?ps://? our web site for more informa?on and an applica?on packet: sonal posi?on with no benefits. perform light maintenance <br /> du?es. Star?ng pay is $16.80 per hour. This is a sea-evenings, weekends, holidays and able to years of age, work well with the public, work are filled. Applicants must be at least 16 <br /> ca?ons for Ice Rink A?endants un?l posi?ons The City of Centerville will be accep?ng appli- TENDANTSSEASONAL RINK AT-—NOW HIRING Page 2 <br /> <br />
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