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PUBLIC WORKS <br />Solar on Public Buildings Grant <br />City staff has been working with the State officials and the contractor to submit a final grant application. <br />The project would place solar panels on city hall and the fire station capable of supplying up to 40 kW of <br />AC power to city hall. Excess power will be pushed to the power grid. The projectÓs estimated costs are <br />around $120,000 with 60% of the costs covered by the grant, 30% by a federal tax rebate and the remaining <br />10% from city funds. The city should recover its investment within just a few short years, in a drastically <br />reduced electric bill. <br /> <br />CENTENNIAL LAKES POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />LetÓs welcome Leo Vang to The Centennial Police department. <br /> <br />Chief Mork said that ÐWe are very excited to have Leo Vang join our police <br />department. He is very personable, very friendly, and we believe he will be <br />a great addition to our staff.Ñ <br /> <br />CENTENNIAL FIRE DISTRICT <br />WeÓre Hiring <br />YOUR TIME IS NOW! Apply to become a Firefighter/EMT for the <br />Centennial Fire District. No experience required! Our next physical agility <br />test will be hosted on November 9th! Inquire today at <br /> <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br />1687 Westview Street (LaLonde Property) <br />Staff, school officials and the property owner met this week to discuss the zoning process for a potential <br />school purchase of the property. An application for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the guided <br />land use from Central Business District/Mixed Use to Public/Institutional, along with an application for a <br />subsequent rezoning from M-2 Mixed Use Neighborhood to P-1 Public were jointly submitted by the land <br />owner and school district on October 15, 2024. A public hearing for these zoning applications will be held <br />on November 12, at 6:30 PM at City Hall. See the published notice in the paper for more information. <br /> <br />stnd <br />Old Mill Estates 1 and 2 Additions <br />The development security has been reduced to $20,000, pending receipt of approval from the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District of the final wetland delineation. <br /> <br />rd <br />Old Mill Estates 3 Addition <br />rd <br />The developer of Old Mill Estates is proposing a 3 Addition concept that went before the Planning & <br />th <br />Zoning Commission for a ÐConcept ReviewÑ at their March 4, meeting. This subdivision was always a <br />stnd <br />part of the discussion when Old Mill Estates (1 and 2 Additions) was platted. However, the developer <br />needed more time to work out wetland and power line easement issues. With some of those issues more in <br />hand, the proposed subdivision would break up Lot 8, Block 2, into 4 lots (3 new lots). <br /> <br />Block 7 Property (Downtown) <br />A developer met with city staff on 9/19 to discuss a townhome style development with 20 units. They have <br />completed much of their due diligence and will be finalizing a proposal soon. <br /> <br />1737 Main Street (Block 3) <br />Staff sent information on the property to a realtor whose client was interested in the property. They did not <br />specify what their buyerÓs intent was. <br />Max Storage <br />The final lift of asphalt was laid this week, on Phase I of the development, capping off their improvements <br />there. The developer is awaiting approval from the state on their plumbing permit. Construction of Phase <br /> <br />