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the city. The investment in solar energy is one that will yield long-term <br />benefits, both financially and environmentally, and it would be short- <br />sighted to abandon this project now. The alternative—paying the <br />contractually required fee and walking away with nothing in return— <br />would be a waste of time and money. <br /> <br />I urge you to prioritize the solar panel installation and ensure that our <br />city moves forward with this project, even in the face of changing <br />federal circumstances. <br /> <br />Thank you for your time and consideration. <br /> <br />Regards, <br />Heather Lee Carciofini <br />1652 Lakeland Circle <br /> <br />Sent from my iPad ... in real life, I know how to spell ;-) <br /> <br />2 <br />