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CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br />Res. #25- A? <br />RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR MACTA'S EFFORTS TO MODERNIZE PUBLIC, <br />EDUCATION, AND GOVERNMENT (PEG) PROGRAMMING/PUBLIC ACCESS <br />FUNDING. <br />WHEREAS, community television programming allows community members to stay connected <br />and entertained through public, education, and government (PEG) programming; <br />WHEREAS, public television programming includes local community and nonprofit <br />submissions, City Council and board and commission meetings, and community events; <br />WHEREAS, public television programming has primarily been funded through franchise fees <br />which allow cable providers to utilize the public right-of-way for private use; <br />WHEREAS, with the recent consumer trend of moving from traditional cable providers to <br />digital/video streaming services, the funds available for public television programming has <br />decreased; <br />WHEREAS, the Minnesota Association of Community Telecommunications Administrators <br />(MACTA) is a statewide organization of municipal and nonprofit staff that advocates for <br />cities and their residents; <br />WHEREAS, MACTA is launching a campaign to create legislative changes at the state and <br />federal level that will respond to consumer changes and allow current practices to modernize in <br />response to these shifts; <br />WHEREAS, MACTA is working with Minnesota cities to gain support for their legislative <br />efforts; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL <br />THAT: <br />The City Council offers their support to the Minnesota Associate of Community <br />Telecommunications Administrators (MACTA) effort to modernize local access funding through <br />legislative change. <br />PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council this 12th day of February, 2025. <br />Attest <br /> <br />city <br />i Clerk I ty ayor <br />