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City of Centerville <br />City Council Work Session & Meeting Minutes <br />January 22, 2025 <br />would the city still want to have solar on the rooftop and if the answer was yes that it is an easy thing and <br />no real risk involved, but if the answer is no that is where there is a challenge. It was stated that it would <br />take longer to recoup our initial start up costs. Administrator Statz stated that he thinks that was the <br />operative question Î if he had brought forward that there was a grant for 60% of the costs for installation <br />of solar on the building, would council want to complete it versus it was a really good idea when the city <br />was receiving 90% of the costs with the Inflation Reduction Act. He stated that at 60% if still was quiet <br />a deal. Council Member Mosher had questions regarding selling back of unused energy versus battery <br />storage as there was no battery storage with the system. Administrator Statz stated that he calculated <br />4,000 kw rather than 6,000 kw which would provide a quicker return on the investment for the city. There <br />was discussion of the lifecycle of the system and Administrator Statz stated 20 years with a guarantee, but <br />the guarantee diminishes over time along with efficiency. Council Member Kubat stated 60% would <br />allow him to probably be in favor of the long-term investment as it was presented, if that was the only <br />thing presented. <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Kubat to direct staff to move forward with the project and to inform <br />council if anything changes. Motion failed due to lack of no second. <br /> <br />No motion came forward and Attorney Glaser stated that in the absence of a motion, the contract would <br />move forward. <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Mosher, seconded by Council Member Rios to direct staff to work with <br />the contractor to establish a pause in the contract that could reasonably be accommodated without <br />exceeding the risk of $35,000 (federal tax credit) and directing staff that if that is not feasible to <br />move forward with the project. Roll call. Council Members Rios, Council Member Mosher and <br />Mayor Golden Aye, Council Member Kubat Nay. Motion carried. <br /> <br />4.Brian Drive Storm Pond Project <br /> <br />Administrator Statz stated that before the council was a stormwater/backyard drainage project at 6996 <br />Brian Drive. He stated that he used the address as it was the property owner who initiated the conversation. <br />He also stated that the pond does affect several neighboring properties. Administrator Statz wanted to <br />bring the project to councilÓs attention and obtain direction. He stated that previously council approved <br />moving forward with the project contingent upon completing permitting requirements. He reported that <br />in the meantime, since council gave direction to go ahead and explore the project. He also reported that <br />staff has spoken with the Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) and ascertained that the city does not <br />need a permit which was a cost savings. Administrator Statz stated that staff has worked with the cityÓs <br />engineers to determine whether that the ponds downstream would be affected, and they will not. He stated <br />that staff feels that the project is viable/feasible project. He reported that a neighborhood meeting was <br />held several months prior and ascertained whether three other abutting property owners or than 6996 Brian <br />Drive would be amenable to a small assessment. He also reported that 6996 Brian DriveÓs assessment <br />would be $6,000 as they were the most benefited by the project and the other property ownerÓs assessment <br />would be $2,000 as they would gain a small portion of yard as their situation is that their homes are higher <br />and are not as affected as 6996 Brian Drive. He stated that in order to complete an assessment project <br />similar to this, usually involves a feasibility study, several public hearings and a large amount of <br />engineering time and effort. Administrator Statz stated that if all residents sign a Special Assessment <br />Agreement/Waiver of Hearing & Appeal he believed that some of the step could be skipped and move the <br />project forward without a large amount of cost. He stated that because the project was only $45,000, the <br />city would rather not spend $25,000 on engineering. He also stated that if the waivers could be obtained <br />Page 12 of 16 <br /> <br />16 <br /> <br />