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<br />HANZAL '8 ADDITION <br /> <br />STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN <br />City of CenterviIJe, Minnesota <br /> <br />GENERAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL <br /> <br />INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE <br /> <br />I The Permiltee(s) (either the owner or operator) must routinely Inspect the <br />construction site once every seven (7) days during active construction and within <br />24 hours after 0 rainfall event greater than 0_5 inchE'S in 24 hours. <br />2 All inspections and mainlenance conducted during cOl'1s\ruction must be recorded in <br />writing and these records must be retained with the SWPPP in accordance with <br />RECORD DETENTION, Records of each inspection and mOlntenance activity sholl <br />include: shOll include <br />o Dote and lime inspections: <br />b Name of person(s) conducUng inspections; <br />c Findings of inspectl-ons, including recommendoUons for correcUve actions; <br />d CorrecUve ocUons token (including doles. times, ond party completing <br />maintenance aCUvities); <br />e Dote and amount of rain foil events greater than 1/2 inch (0.5 inChes) <br />in 24 hours; ond <br />f. Documentotion of changes mode to the $WPPP. <br /> <br />3 Where ports of (he construction site halfe undergone linal stabilization, Qut work <br />remains on other ports of the Site, inspections of the stabilized areas may be <br />reduced to once per month. Where work has been suspended due to frozen ground <br />conditions. the required inspections and maintenance must toke place os soon os <br />runoff occurs at the site or prior lo resuming construction, whichever comes first <br /> <br />4 All erosion prevention and sedimenl control BMPs must be inspecled to ensure <br />integrity and effectiveness. All nonfunctional BMPs must be repaired, repfaced. or <br />supplemented with functional 8MPs. The Permitee(s) must investigale ond compl)' <br />with the following inspection and maintenance requirements: <br /> <br />a All sill fences must be repaired, replaced. or supplemented when the)' become <br />nonfunctional (develop lears, detach from posts, post become dislodged from <br />ground, etc.) or the sediment reoches 1/3 of the height of Ihe fence. These <br />repairs must be mode within 24 hours of discovery, or os soon as the field <br />conditions allow access <br /> <br />b Temporary and permanent sedimentation ponds musl be drained and (he sediment <br />removed when the depth of the Sediment collected in the basin reaches 1/2 the <br />storage volume. Drainage and removal musl be completed within 72 hours 01 <br />discovery or O'S soon os field candilians allow access <br />c. Surface waters, including drainage ditches and conveyance systems. must be <br />inspecled for evidence of sedimenl being deposiled by erosion_ The Permitee(s) <br />must remove 011 deltas and sediment deposited in surface waters. including <br />drainagli! ways. catch basins. and olher drainage systems, and restobilize the areas <br />where sediment removal reswlls in exposed soil. The removal and stabilization must <br />lake place within selfen (7) days of discovery unless precluded by legol. regulalory, <br />or physical access con'Straints_ The Permitee sholl use all reasonable effods to <br />obtain access. If precluded. removal and slobilizotion must toke place within seven <br />(7) calendar days of oblaining access The Permitee is responsible fQr contacting <br />011 local. regional state and federal authorities and receiving any applicable permits. <br />prior to conducting any worw: <br /> <br />d Construction site vehicle exit locations must be inspected for evidence off-site <br />sediment tracking onto paved surfaces. Tracked sediment must be removed from <br />011 off-sile paved surfaces. Within 24 hours of discovery. or if applicable. within 0 <br />shorter lime <br /> <br />e The Permitlee(s) ore responsible for the operation and mainlenonce of temporor)' <br />ond permanent water qualit)' management BMPs, os well os 011 erosion prevention <br />ond sediment control BMPs. for the duralion of (he construction work at the site <br />The Permittee(s) ore responsible unlil another Permitee haS assumed control over <br />areas of (he site that hove no( been finally stabilized or the site has undergone <br />final stabilization. and a Notice of Termination has been submitted to the MPCA <br />(see TERMINATION OF COVERAGE). <br /> <br />f. If sediment escapes the construction site. off-slle accumulations must be remo"ed <br />in a manner and al a frequency sufficienl to minimize aff-sile impacts (e_g., <br />fugitive sedimenl in streets could be waShed into slorm sewers by the next rain <br />and/or pose 0 safety hazard to users of public streets;) <br /> <br />5 All infiltration areas must be inspecled to ensure thot no sediment from ongoing <br />cons.lruclion acti"ilies is reaching the infiltralion area and these areas ore <br />protected tram compaction due to construclion equipment drilfing across the <br />infiltration area <br /> <br />POllUTION PREV[NTlON MANAGEMENT MEASURES <br /> <br />The Permilee(s) sholl implement the following pollution prevention management <br />measures on the site' <br /> <br />1 Solid Wosle: Collected sediment. asphalt and concrete millings, Iloa\ing debris, <br />paper. plastic. fobric. constructIOn and demolition debris and other wastes must be <br />disposed of properly and must comply with MPCA disposal requirements <br /> <br />2 Hozordous Materials: Oil, gasolinE!. paint and any hazardous subs lances must be <br />properly stored, including secondary containment, to prevent s;pills. leaks or other <br />discharge Restricted access to storage areas must be provided to prevent <br />vandalism. Storage and disposal of hazardous waste must be in compliance with <br />MPCA regt'latians <br /> <br />J External washing of trucks and other construction vehicle must be limiled to a <br />defined area of the site. Runoff must be conloined and wasle properly disposed <br />of No engine degreasing is allowed on s;ite <br /> <br />D[WA TERINC AND BASIN DRAINING <br /> <br />1 Dewatering or basin draining (e'9_. pumped discharges. trenCh/ditch cuts for <br />drainage) related to the construclion activity that moy have turbid or sediment <br />laden discharge woter must be discharged to 0 temporary or permanent <br />sed_mentation basin on the projecl sile whenever possible_ If the waler cannot be <br />discharged to 0 sedimenlotion basin prior to entering the surface .....oter. it must <br />(reated with the appropriate BMP, such that the diSCharge does not adversely <br />affect the receiving water or downstream landowners. The Permittee(s) must <br />ensure that discharge points ore adequately prolected from erosion and scour <br />The discharge must be dispersed over no/ural rock riprop. sand bogs, plos;tic <br />sheeting or other accepted energy dissipation measures. Adequate sedimentation <br />control meosures ore required for discharge water that contoins suspended solid'S <br />2. All water from dewatering or bosin droining o(::!i"ities must be discharged in 0 <br />manner that does not couse nuisance conditions. erosion in receiving channels or <br />on downslope properties. or inundation in wetlands causing significant adverse <br />impact to the wetland <br /> <br />AMENDMENTS TO Swppp <br /> <br />The Permitlee(s) must amend the S'NPPP os necessary 10 include additional <br />requirements, such as additional or modified BMPs. designed to correct problems <br />identified or address situa!ions whenever <br /> <br />1 There is 0 change in design, conslruction, operotion, maintenance, weather or <br />season conditions Iha! has 0 significanl effect on the discharge of pollutants 10 <br />surface waters or underground waters; <br /> <br />2 Inspections or investigations by site operators. local, state or federal officials <br />indicate the SWPPP is not effective in eliminating or signifl-canUy minimizing the <br />discharge of pollutants to surface waters or underground waters or thot the <br />discharges ore causing water quality standard exceedances, or <br /> <br />J The SWDPP is not achieving the general objectives of controlling pollutants in storm <br />waler discharges associated with construction activity. or the SWPPP is not <br />consistent wi(n the terms and conditions or this permit <br />4 AI any time ofler permit cQlferage is effective. the MPCA m<:lY determine that the <br />project.s slorm water discharges may couse, h<:lve reasonable potential to couse, or <br />contribute to non-attainment of ony applicable water quality standard. If MPCA <br />makes such 0 determination, the MPCA will notify the Permittee(s) in writing In <br />response, Ihe Permiltee(s) must develop 0 supplemental BMP action plan or <br />appropriate SWPPP amendments describing SWPPP modifications to address the <br />identified concerns and submit information requested by the MPCA. which may <br />include an individual permit application. If MPCA's wrillen notification requires a <br />response, failure to respond within the specified time frame constitutes 0 permit <br />violation <br /> <br />FINAL STABllIZA nON <br />The Permitee(s) must ensure final stabilization of the site. The Permitee(s) must <br />submit 0 Notice of Terminalion within 30 days altli!r final stabilization is complele. <br />or another owner/opera lor (Permittee) has assumed control over 011 areas of the <br />site that have not undergone final stabilization_ Final stabilizatiOn con be achieved <br />in One of the following ways: <br /> <br />1 All soil disturbing ol the sile hove been completed and 011 soils must be stabilized <br />by a uniform perennial vegetative cover with 0 density of 70 percent over the <br />en lire previous surface area. or other equivalent means necessary to prevenl soil <br />failure under erosive conditions and; <br />Q All drainage ditches, constructed to drain water from the site after construction IS <br />complete, must be stabilized to preclude erosion; <br />bAil temporar)' synthelic. and struclural erosion prevention and sedimenl control <br />Best Management Plans (such as silt fence) must be removed os port of the site <br />final stabilization; and <br /> <br />c. The Permitee(s) must clean out all sediment from conveyances and from <br />iemparary sedimenlaUon basins thai ore 10 be used os permanent water Quality <br />management basins. Sediment must be stabilized to prevent it from being washed <br />back into the basin. conveyance and drainage ways discharging off-site or \0 <br />surface walers, The clean oul of permanent basins must be sufficient to return <br />the basin to design copacity_ <br /> <br />2 For residential construction only, final stabilization has been achieved when <br />temporary erosion protection and down gradient perimeter contra! for individuol fats <br />has been completed and the residence has been transferred to the homeowner. <br />Additionally. the Permitee must distribute the MPCA "homeowner fact sheel" \0 the <br />homeowner to inform the nameowner of the need for. and benefits 0(, Final <br />stabilization <br /> <br />RECORD DETENTION <br />The SItvPPP. all changes to il, and inspections and maintenance records must be <br />kept at the site during construction by the Permitee who has operational conlrol <br />of lhat po lion of the site. The SWPPP con be kepl in either the field office of in <br />on on -site vehicle <br /> <br />All owner(s) must keep the SWPPP, along with the follOWing additional records. on <br />file for three (3) years alter submitted of the NOT os outlined in TERMINATION OF <br />COVERAGE. This does not include any reCOrds ofter submillal of Ihe NOr <br /> <br />1 Any other permits required for the project: <br /> <br />Re~ords of 011 i""spection and maintenance conducted during construction <br /> <br />2 All permanent operation and maintenance agreemenls thal hove beell implemented, <br />including all right of woy. contracts, covenants. and olher binding requirements <br />regarding perpetuol maintenance; and <br /> <br />3 All reqUired calculations for design of lhe temporary and permanent storm woter <br />management systems <br /> <br />TERMINA nON OF COVERAGE <br /> <br />1 Permittee(s) wishing to terminate coverage under this permit must submit 0 Notice <br />of Termination (NOT) to Ihe MPCA, Compfian<:e with the permit is required until 0 <br />NOT is submitted. The Permittee(s) authorization 10 discharge under this permil <br />terminates at midnight of the day the NOT is signed <br />2 All Permitlee(s) must submit 0 NOT within thirty (30) days after one or more of <br />the following conditions hove been mel <br />o Final Stobilizotion has been achieved on af( portions o( the site for which the <br />Permitee is responsible (including the removal of 011 lemporary erosion control <br />measures such os silt fence. and if applicable, returning agricultural land to its pre <br />construction agricultural use); <br />Anolher owner/operator (Permitee) has assumed control according to Part II.B 5 of <br />MPCA Permit No_ MN Rl0000l o..-er all areas of Ihe sill' thai hove nol been finally <br />stabilized; or <br />For residential construction only, temporary erosion protection and down gradient <br />perimeter control for individual lots has been completed ond the residence has <br />been transferred to the hom€owner, Additionally. the Permitee must distribute the <br />MPCA's "homeowner fcclsheet" to the homeowner to inform the homeowner of the <br />need for. and benefits of. final stobilization <br /> <br />EFI090N COOTRa. lAEA9.R:8 <br /> <br />SITE SPECIFIC EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL <br /> <br />SITE 0ESCIFI10H <br /> <br />A) PROJECT NAME HANZAL <br />B) PROJECT LOCATION: OLD MILL ROAD <br /> <br />C) PROJFCT DFSCRIPTlON <br />This project will consist of construction of five single family homes with 0 bituminous <br />driveway. <br /> <br />Hard surface run-off, to include street and roof run-off, will be collected ond routed <br />via storm sewer to the new pond. <br /> <br />Sail disturbing activities will include: installation of a rock construction entrance: <br />installation of silt fence where surface run-off leaves site; site qrading;building <br />construction including foundation excavation; drilfeway construction; and preparation <br />for turf restoration. <br /> <br />0) PERCFNTAGE HARi1 SURFACE: 14.27- <br />E)~ <br /> <br />TOTAL SITE AREA <br />TOTAL ESTIMATED IMPERV10US <br />TOTAL ESTIMATED PERVlOUS <br /> <br /> <br />0.16 ACRES <br />4.50 ACRES <br /> <br />F) TOT AI DISTlJRRFD ARF A 2.80 ACRES <br />G) SITE SEQUENCING OF GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES: <br /> <br />PriOf" 10 any grodin9 operotions, the contraclor shall install a rock construction <br />entrance and perimeter silt fence os shown on pion. (Conlact City to inspect <br />erosion control measure, if necessary,) Additional sill fence may be necessary if <br />local condilions require <br /> <br />Perform remainder of site grading on on orea-by-areo bosfs to minimize <br />uncompleted areas. As each area is completed, all exposed soils must hove <br />temporary erosion control protection or permanent cover according to lhe following <br />lime table: <br /> <br /> <br />Co Maximum time on area con <br />remain ope,... when the area is <br /> <br /> <br />All sod, seed, mulch and fertilizer sholl conform with the following MnDOT <br />specifications os modi-tied below <br /> <br />ITEM <br /> <br />MnDOT SPECIFIC A TIONjNOTES <br /> <br />3878 <br /> <br />3876 <br /> <br />Mixture W5 (at 8 Ibs/ocre) <br /> <br />Mixture 328 (at 88 Ibs/acre) <br /> <br />NEW Mixture 260 (100 Ibs/ocre) <br />- OR - <br />NEW Mixture 270 (120 Ibs/acre) <br /> <br />Mixture 100B (100 Ibs/acre) <br />Mixture 110 (100 Ibs/ocre) <br />Mi:dure 150 (40 Ibs/acre) <br />Mixture 190 (60 Ibs/acre) <br /> <br />Sod <br />Seed <br />U For Wetland Mitigation Areas <br />U For Infiltration Areas <br />. For Turf Establishment <br /> <br />Temporary Fall Cover <br />Spring/Summer Cover <br />I to 2 years of Cover <br />2 to 5 years of Cover <br /> <br />MulCh <br />Fertilizer <br /> <br />3882 (Type 1 - Disc Anchored) <br />3881 <br /> <br />"Ta reduce weed esloblishmerlt, mow 2 to 3 times (30 dQ)'S aport) during the lsl year with <br />the mower dec~ about 6" - 8" off the ground hAow one time during the 2nd year before weeds <br />set lheir seeds;. Burn or maw once every 3-5 years the initial 2 years of mai"lenonce <br />to remo"e dead plant moterial and stimulate new seed <br />'l.4ow a minimum of once per 2 weeks <br /> <br />Seeding operations should be in accordance with the technical leller issued by MnDOT <br />doted November 14, 2005 titled .'Metro District Turf Establism~nt Recommendations" <br /> <br />3. The contractor Snail pay special attention to 011 adjacent property lines and make <br />sure the erosion control practices inplace in those areas prevent migration of <br />sediment onto adpcent properties <br /> <br />If any slopes appear to be failing, additional sin fence, biorolls and erosion control <br />blanket sholl be added as needed <br /> <br />The contractor sholl maintain and repair 011 silt fence (including the removal of <br />accumulated sedimen t) un ta vegetalion is established and the site is stabilized. <br />(See also INSPECTIONS AND ~AINTENANCE) <br /> <br />Contractor 10 maintain silt fence, including the remOVQI of accumulated sediment, <br />until vegetation has been established <br />Final grade swale areas upon stabilizalion of upstream lJreas. <br />Sod 011 disturbed drainage areos, including swales, around storm flared-end <br />sections, and off-street catch basins <br />Upon grading completion the contractor Shall provide native topsoil, seed, and <br />mulch anchored with a straight set disc within 48 hours of final grading <br />8. Excess slJil should be treated like other exposed soil and stabilized \lljithin 72 hours <br /> <br /> <br />WIMCO INL.ET I=~OTECTION <br /> <br />81RlJCTURAL PRACTICES <br /> <br />1. Silt Fence - will be Installed prior to any grading activities along Ihe perimeter of <br />those portions of the sile which ore downstream of storm water run-off <br /> <br />2 Storm water Monagement - Storm waler drainage will be provided by curb and <br />gutter, storm sewer and catch basin. Run-orr is to be collected via curb and <br />gutter and routed to 0 proposed on-site pond and then into on eXisting regional <br />pond system.. <br /> <br />OTHER CONTROLS <br /> <br />1. Conslruction Waste Materials - All waste materials generated os 0 result of sile <br />construction shall be collected and removed accordinq to all local and/or slale <br />wasle management regulations by 0 licensed solid waste management company <br />The contractor will ensure that 011 site personnel ore instructed in these practices <br /> <br />2 Hazardous Wostes - Alf hozordous waste materials shalf be stored properly to <br />prevent spills and vandalism When necessary. hazardous wastes will be disposed <br />of in the manner specified by local and/or stale regulation or by the manufacturer <br /> <br />3. Sanilary Waste - All sanitary wasle will be collected from the portable units by 0 <br />local. licensed water management company, os required by local regulation <br /> <br />4 Offsite Vehicle Tracking - A rock construclion entrance has been provided to help <br />reduce vehicle tracking of sediments. The paved street adjacent to the site <br />entrance shall be swepl on on os-needed basis, or os determined by the City <br />Dump trucks houling loose moterials (sand, topsoil, etc.) to and/or from the site <br />sholl be covered with 0 tarpaulin <br /> <br />5 Vehicle Cleaning - No engine degreasing is allowed on~site_ External washing of <br />vehicles to be confined to a defined area ('"bane )lOrd") on-site <br /> <br />MPECT1ON8 />K) t.lAINTENANCE PROCElllJII:S <br /><Alto see 'Inapections and Mmtenance' ulder '<:aERAL EROSION AND SEOI.ENT CONTROL) <br /> <br />The fallowing ore the inspeclion ond maintenance practices that will be used to <br />maintain erosion and sediment controls <br /> <br />. All control measures will be inspected at least once each weli!k and following any <br />slorm even of 0.5 inches or greater <br />. All measure will be moin\oined in good working order; if 0 repair is necessary. it <br />will be iniliated within 24 hours or report <br />. Built up sediment will be removed (rom silt fence when it has reached one-third <br />(1/3) the heigh I of the fence <br />. Sill fence will be inspected for depth of sediment. tears, to see if the is <br />securely attached to the fence posts, and to see that the fence posts ore <br />in the ground <br />. Temporary seeding and planting will be inspected for bore spols. washouts. and <br />healthy growth <br />. A moinlenonce report will be mode after each inspection <br /> <br />ST<:RAWA TEll MANAGElAENT PONDS <br /> <br />Desi n Storm = SCS. 24-hr, Tell <br />100 YR Hi h Water Level _ <br />100 YR Post Oevelo ment Discor e <br />100-YR Pre Develo ment Discor e <br />10 YR Hi h Waler Le"el _ <br />10 YR Post Develo ment Discor e <br />10 YR Pre Oevelo ment Discor e <br />2 YR Hi h Water Level _ <br />2 YR Post Develo men t Discar e <br />2 YR Pre Develo men\ Dischar e <br /> <br />POND <br /> <br />892.15 <br />19,31 <br />26,14 <br />891.21 <br />10,45 <br />13_14 <br />890.50 <br />2.85 <br />4-41 <br /> <br />Oeod Stor<:lge Provided = 13.507 <br />Dead Storage ReqUired = 12.632 <br /> <br />PREPARED BY PLOW( ENGINEERING <br />ON 12-21-06 (CGS) <br /> <br />""UG:" ~ :WNSll ~";1l~1: ~Vf'nJ,"'" n'1I>1(;;;, <br />.l.,,'_'~""';; ...,,~ ~L" "'1m J<I::;,.. ~1i:~~~W"J,C'f ~'~.~:"".ll~~ <br /> <br />;;':W?~:;"..I,W; <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />;;C' <br />~ '1 <br /> <br /> <br />:~ <br />" <br /> <br />ORAWN BY: ~ <br /> <br />11/27/06 CITY SUBMITTAL PACKAGE. RCwa COI.4MENTS <br />12/21/06 REV1SE POND TO INCLUO( FUTURE DEVElOPl.AENT. RCWD COMMENTS <br />1/05/07 UPDATED EASEMENT LINES <br /> <br />I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under <br />my direct supervision Qnd thol I om 0 duly Licensed Professional <br />Engineer under the lows of the Stote of Minnesota. <br /> <br />DESIGNED BY: ~ <br /> <br />CHECKED BY: ~ <br /> <br />PROJECT NO: 061097 <br /> <br />CRAIG G. SCHLICHTING <br /> <br />DATE REV1SION <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />, /05/07 <br /> <br />LICENSE # 41295 <br /> <br />-"C) <br /> <br />PLDWE <br />ENGINEERING <br />6776U.KEDRNENE,SUITE 110 <br />Ul'lO L-\KES, MN 55014 <br />PHONE: (651)361_~210 <br />FAX; (6.'i1)361.~701 <br /> <br />RIPRAP <br /> <br />DET AIL <br /> <br />111I- <br />1111 <br />;elllllll <br /> <br />f',O'-2'O.SEESEC.A-A <br />111~1I111111 <br />1II1 rrn <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />THECCf'lTRACTOR.ATliIScPnON,NAYSlJ9snruTE <br />A CEOTExnLE ~.oaRlC, SPEC_ J601 FOR THf: GR.NULAA <br />FILtER lLAHKE:T UNLESS O"",ERWlSE SPEOFlEO IN TilE <br />PLAHS_ ""'E ~.oaRlC StlC!JLO COVER TIlE ARE. OF THE <br />ArPRAP ANO EX fEN(! Ut(QEA I!-I( OJlllE1U APRON J "'CH. <br /> <br />E~O~ION CONT~OL. NOTE~ <br /> <br />o.."rlapgeot"xtaelobTi" <br />6. ontl lott..n ot 2' intervolt <br /> <br />2.. 2'.oocl ortt",,1 <br />r.ncoe pll't.... mox. Spocin!il <br />Wir. mesh r.inl!ll"ument. Std <br />~e~~. '~eCt"h ~:;';n~"6~i1~ <br />min 14 llz <;lou9" .~re it optillnol <br />Wir.'.ncenotr.qu"'"d'orlhisprojiI'Cl <br />Geotextil" lObr", - overlap lobr;c <br />6.ond(ost"notZ'int<fo"VO/5" <br />loy lobn<:; in the trench <br /> <br /> <br />g <br /> <br />~< ~ <br />. '0 <br />~ ~~ <br />~~ <br /> <br />~IL. T plENCE <br /> <br />~Wi..tnuhianol-.quir"d <br /> <br />~~ <br />~;k-- <br />/~~' <br /> <br /> <br />ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE <br /> <br /> <br />EMERGENCY OVERFLOW <br />SWALE WI ENKAMAT <br /> <br />ENGINEERL"iG <br /> <br />PR[PAR[D FOR' <br /> <br />DATE. 10/31/06 <br /> <br />JEFF AND LAURA HANZAL <br />7381 OLD MILL ROAD <br />CENTERVILLE. MN 55038 <br />PHONE, (651) 653-2020 <br /> <br />SHEET <br /> <br />C2 <br />