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<br />~. Boriestroo <br />-=- Rosene <br />..~.. .... ..AnderJik& <br />. 1 \11 Associates <br />Engineers & Architects <br /> <br />2335 West Highway 36 .StPauJ, MN55JJ3 <br />Office: 651-636c4600 . Fax: 651-636-13JJ <br /> <br />wwwb6nestr.o6com <br /> <br />December29,2006 <br /> <br />RECEIVED <br />JAN 03 2007 <br /> <br />John Meyer <br />Finance Director <br />City of Centerville <br />1880 Main Street <br />Centerville, MN 55038-9794 <br /> <br />CENTERV/LLE, MN <br /> <br />Re:DowntownRedeve10pment -"Public Infrastructure Comprehensive Plan <br />Engineering Scope and Proposal <br />BRAA Temp File No. 000616-06000-0 <br /> <br />Dear John, <br /> <br />As requested, we have prepared a scope and proposal for engineering. services to develop a <br />comprehensive public infrastructure plan to accommodate the planned redevelopment of the downtown <br />area. Our proposed scope is as follows: . <br /> <br />Streets <br />. · Determine overall street and right-of-way width for all segments of public street <br />· Determine location oftum lanes <br />· Determine loc~tion and tYpe of parking lanes <br />· Determine intersection controls (stop sign, crosswalk, etc. locations) <br /> <br />Streetscapinl! . <br />· Determine location, width andt)tpes of sidewalks along all public streets <br />· Determine location and type of allpublic landscaping/streetscaping elements <br />o Trees <br />o Lights <br />o Other decorative elements <br /> <br />Water <br />· Determine size and location of water mains, valves and hydrants <br />· Evaluate capability of City'ssupply, storage and distribution system to handle proposed <br />redevelopment <br /> <br />Sewer <br />· Determine size, location and depth of sewer mains and manholes <br />· Evaluate capability of City's downstream collection system to handle proposed redevelopment <br /> <br />Storm Sewer, Pondinl! and Infiltration <br />· Determine location and routes for maJor storm water conveyance systems <br />· Determine needed capacities for major storm water conveyance systems <br />· Determine location and required geometric (volume, mean. depth, shape) characteristics for storm <br />water ponding facilities <br />· Determine infiltration requirements and compile a list of preferred best management practices <br />(BMPs) to be incorporated into developers' plans <br /> <br />SL Paul, St.. Cloud, Roc,hester, MN . Milwaukee, WI . Chicago, Il <br /> <br />Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and Employee Owned <br />