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<br />Centerville Downtown Redevelopment Project EAW <br />Centerville, Minnesota <br />EAW Process Schedule <br /> <br />EAW Process and Potential Schedule <br />The following table presents the general steps in the EAW process and provides a potential schedule for <br />completion. We may need to adjust for City meeting schedules. The schedule assumes the City is the <br />RGU for the project. <br /> <br />Task Timing/Completion Date <br />Prepare Draft EAW, complete supporting studies January 11 - March 8, 2007 (8 weeks, subject <br />(traffic, wetland, air and noise), incorporate summary of to completion of supporting studies) <br />studies, internal review <br />Submit Draft EAW to City and project proposer for March 8 - March 15, 2007 (1 week) <br />review <br />Revise EAW based on City and project proposer March 15 - March 22, 2007 (1 week) <br />review, prepare copies for City Council packets <br />Submit to City for mailing in Council packets by March 23, 2007 <br />City Council meeting to approve EAW for public release March 28, 2007 <br />Submit notice of EAW to EQB for publication April 2, 2007 <br />Distribute EAW to agencies April 5, 2007 <br />30-day comment period begins wi EAW notice in EQB April 9,2007 <br />Monitor <br />Publish legal notice in local newspaper (within 30-day comment period) <br />30-day comment period ends May 9, 2007 <br />Prepare Responses to Comments with City and project May 9 - June 6, 2007 <br />proposer assistance, if needed (4 weeks - consecutive with FOF/ROD) <br />Prepare Findings of Fact/Record of Decision May 9 - June 6, 2007 <br />(FOF/ROD) (4 weeks - consecutive with Responses) <br />Submit draft FOF/ROD and responses to City for review June 6 - June 13, 2007 (1 week) <br />(Project proposer may also review responses) <br />Revise FOF/ROD and responses based on City review, June 13 - June 20, 2007 (1 week) <br />prepare copies for City Council packets <br />Submit to City for mailing in Council packets By June 22, 2007 <br />