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<br />4. STREET AND TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS: <br /> <br />Streets in Pheasant Marsh, except Dupre Road, will be built to typical 7-ton residential street <br />standards for the City of Centerville. The streets include Pheasant Lane, Quail Court, Partridge <br />Lane, Partridge Place, Grouse Hollow and Mallard Way. Dupre Road is considered a collector <br />street and will be built to a 9-ton standard. The new roads will consist of the following <br />parameters: <br /> <br />1. 60-foot wide right-of-way <br />2. 33-foot back to back surmountable concrete curb and gutter (37' on Dupre) <br />3. Geo-textile fabric and 20" select granular borrow <br />4. 6" class 5 aggregate base (8" on Dupre) <br />5. I Y2" bituminous base and wear courses (2" base on Dupre) <br />6. 4" drain tile behind all curb <br />7. 45-foot radius cul-de-sacs <br /> <br />As shown on Figure 2, a 3900-lineal foot bituminous trail is proposed, extending from <br />Centerville Road and meandering through the plat to the northeast corner of Outlot E. The trail <br />consists of a 10-foot wide, 2" thick bituminous mat over a 12-foot wide, 6" thick aggregate base. <br /> <br />PERMITS <br /> <br />Centerville Road is Anoka County State Aid Highway 21. A permit is required to .install utilities <br />within the county right-of-way and to connect a new street (Dupre Road). Permits are also <br />required from MPCA (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) for sanitary sewer extensions, and <br />MDH (Minnesota Department of Health) for water main extensions. The developer has applied <br />for the necessary permits from Rice C;:eek Watershed and the DNR (Department of Natural <br />Resources) for construction activities within wetlands. The proposed water main in the Partridge <br />Place cul-de-sac will cross MCES (Met Council) sanitary force mains as will utilities at the <br />connection to existing Dupre Road. MCES plan review and approval will be necessary. <br /> <br />6 <br />