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<br />June 27,2001 <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />Mayor Swedberg explained he felt this run of water and sewer could have been <br />completed from Center Street at a lower expense than along Centerville Road. He <br />noted he felt all the benefit of this extension would be borne by the developer and <br />not the residents along Centerville Road, therefore all expense should be passed <br />along to the developer. <br /> <br />Mr. Hoeft stated the proposed extension is going to be completed by the City and <br />then bonded. He noted the City does not want to go forward with this item if <br />there were any disputes to the amounts of the assessments. Mr. Hoeft reviewed <br />the past issues with Hunter's Crossing and explained the developer finally had to <br />step forward to resolve issues to not prolong the project. <br /> <br />Mr. Hoeft noted all assessment amounts are stated within the Developer's <br />Agreement. He stated the City would then hold the developer to the stated <br />assessment amounts. Mr. Hoeft indicated if the developer was not willing to deal <br />with the amount stated by the City then the development would not go through. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg stated he would be in favor of 100% of the assessments being <br />borne by the developer and questioned if the developer had to go down <br />Centerville Road. <br /> <br />Mr. Tom Wilharber indicated the Wilharber Estate does not need sewer and water <br />access at Centerville Road as they could gain access from the Hunter's Crossing <br />development. <br /> <br />Mr. Hoeft noted the current assessment policy in place is with respect to already <br />developed properties or existing developments. He indicated raw land and <br />subdivisions do not have their own policy as they are all unique. Mr. Hoeft stated <br />this means there has been no uniform assessment policy in the past. <br /> <br />Mr. Hoeft stated he felt there would be a benefit to the Wilharber property but <br />stated this amount was unknown as it's benefit would not be known for five years. <br />He explained a developer is going to pay more going along Centerville Road but <br />indicated the Council would need to determine this amount. <br /> <br />Mr. Hoeft stated a deferral would be an option, but indicated the Council would <br />need to establish a drop-dead date to set up a time frame for payment. He <br />indicated this would allow for the 2006 MUSA date to arrive. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra asked if the City could be allowed to develop the <br />Wilharber Estate before 2006. Mr. Hoeft indicated MetCouncil would allow for <br />this, but stated the Comprehensive Plan for the City does not allow for this <br />development. <br /> <br />Mr. Hoeft advised the Council to not take any action on this item until a <br />Developer's Agreement was in place to rule out any contesting of the <br />assessments. He stated all parties involved would need to agree on this item <br />before the assessments should be approved. <br /> <br />Page 4 of 12 <br />