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2001-07-25 CC
City Council
Agenda Packets
2001-07-25 CC
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2/8/2007 8:43:43 AM
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1/19/2007 3:56:50 PM
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<br />Agreement. Mr. Hoeft indicated this would provide the Council with greater <br />information on what true violations are taking place. <br /> <br />Mr. Hoeft asked that a time frame be placed on this request for the review of the <br />Developer's Agreement. Mr. March noted the applicant has signed a waiver of <br />the 60-day approval process. He explained this would allow the Council ample <br />time to review this item and take comments from the public. <br /> <br />Mr. March indicated with regard to the roadways within this development, the <br />roadways do meet the seven-ton load limit and are able to have emergency <br />vehicles down the private streets. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers noted the Council has good reason to delay <br />until there is additional information from the City Attorney. She indicated the <br />private roadway issues would also need to be resolved at the next meeting with <br />comments from the police department, fire department and City staff. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg asked if there were any additional comments that needed to be <br />brought to the Council's attention with regard to the First Addition. <br /> <br />Lori Peterson, 7065 Dupre Road, noted she brought in a sheet of paper to a <br />meeting two or three weeks ago. She indicated there are numerous cracked <br />sidewalk panels along Main Street that have been caused by the contractor. Ms. <br />Peterson indicated she is uncertain of who owns these and questioned who would <br />be assessed. Mr. Hoeft noted this would be reviewed and reported back to the <br />Council at the next meeting. <br /> <br />Jim Jewel, 1825 Voyager Court, stated there are also numerous cracked sidewalk <br />panels within the development. He indicated that seven lots have been closed <br />longer than 30 days, and nothing has been done for grading by the builder. <br /> <br />Mr. Jewel indicated the City has sent letters to these residents, but indicated the <br />Builder has not come back to complete the work. He suggested a change for the <br />lighting within this development, as it does not provide safety within the <br />twinhomes. Mr. Jewel stated the single-family home area has twice as many <br />lights leaving the other area unsafe. Mr. Jewel explained there are only five units <br />at this time on private streets, but noted all are required to pay for those taxes. <br /> <br />James Halstrom, 6960 Dupre Road, noted he understands the maintenance ofthe <br />units are the responsibility of the individuals within this development. He <br />indicated, however, there was a Developer's Agreement (established in 1997) that <br />contains items the Developer was responsible for. Mr. Halstrom encouraged the <br />Council to review this agreement to assist the associations with leverage on issues <br />that are not being handled by the Developer. He agreed the lighting within this <br />development was inadequate due to the curvy nature of these roadways. Mr. <br />Halstrom noted the lighting was a public safety issue the Council needed to <br />address. <br /> <br />Susan Sary, 6991 Eagle Trail, noted she has lived in her home for six months and <br />indicated she was very dissatisfied with the Builder. She noted her front stoup <br />3 of 11 <br />
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