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<br />access programming which i\Jeredith is providing at the effective date of this Memorandum, <br />except as set forth in Section 2 below, and further subject to the following terms and conditions: <br /> <br />A. Meredith has collected from April 1, 1995, and shall continue to collect through <br />December 31, 1995, a fee of One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) ("PEG Fee") for <br />the purpose of recovering its expenses in providing PEG Programming. not <br />including any expenses for the provision of local origination programming, from <br />April 1, 1995 through December 31, 1995. If Meredith collects more than its <br />expenses for 1995, it may offset its undercharges provided forin previous FCC <br />rate decisions and the Universal Service start-up costs as detennined in Exhibit C. <br />If an overage still exists, Meredith will not keep the overage, nor will any overage <br />be given to the Commission; in the alternative, both parries will develop a mutually <br />acceptable procedure to expend the monies for community programming. <br /> <br />B. Meredith shall continue to collect the PEG Fee from all subscribers receiving Basic <br />Service for which a fee is paid ("Subscribers ") after Dece:nber 31, 1995 for the <br />purpose of funding PEG Programming. beginning on the effective date of this <br />Agreement and comi;luing for 2.ny subsequent renewed fral1chise period [the sum <br />total of which shall nm to exceed tifteen (15) years withom mutual agreement of <br />both parties]. Upon yearly approval of the Member Cities, via the Commission, <br />the PEG Fee shall yearly esca late in an amount not to exceed tho::: amounts as ser <br />fonh in Exhibit A attached hereto (bur in no event greater than [wenry-five cents <br />(25<;:) in any twelve (12) month period). To the extent collection of such yearly <br />PEG Fee results in Meredith's receipt of fees in excess of the amount currently <br />expem1ed by Meredith for these purposes, Meredirh shall develop a plan [(I expend <br />such additional receipts for the purpose of funding community programming wirh <br />the advice and consent of the Commission. <br /> <br />C. Meredith shall expend a total ofThiee Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000;00) <br />as directed by Commission as to time and manner for and in lieu of an PEG <br />Programming capital, replacement, and other equipment obligations during the <br />current Franchise, and for any subsequent renewal as set forth below, with One <br />Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) being obligatedonOI"abour <br />January 1, 1996, and One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) being <br />obligated on or about January!, 1997. <br /> <br />D. Meredith, the Member Cities. and the Commission agree that the operating and <br />capiral expenditures and/or payments provided in paragraphs A, B, and C above, <br />and any future transfer of PEG Programming as may be made pursuant to Section <br />2 below, are made for, and in fuil satisfacrion of PEG and any relaIed <br />programming obligations upon renewal, and subject to any subsequent rene\vals of <br />the Franchise (the sum total of which shall not exceed fifteen (15) years). <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />P.6 <br />